Fipronil scandals Also many salad products recalled because of contaminated eggs

Fipronil scandals Also many salad products recalled because of contaminated eggs / Health News
Fipronil strain: Manufacturer recalls various salad products after egg scandal
Only a few days ago it became known that thousands of eggs that landed in the German trade, were contaminated with insecticides. Now, a delicatessen manufacturer has started a recall for several salad products using eggs loaded with fipronil.

Eggs loaded with fipronil
A few days ago it became known that hundreds of thousands of fipronil-contaminated eggs from Dutch production in North Rhine-Westphalia came on the market. Shortly after it turned out that the contaminated food had landed in other federal states. The discounter Aldi had reacted and taken all the eggs from the supermarkets. Now also processed products must be recalled.

The manufacturer Neue Mayo Feinkost GmbH in Lübeck has started a recall for six salad products. In the preparation of the salads were used eggs loaded with fipronil. (Image: orinoco-art /

Six salad products recalled
Over the last week, millions of eggs had to be taken out of the country nationwide after it became known that they were contaminated with fipronil.

It is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is used, among other things, against fleas, lice, ticks, cockroaches and mites.

Now the manufacturer Neue Mayo Feinkost GmbH has recalled six salad products in Lübeck because of contaminated eggs.

As stated on the portal "" of the federal states and the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety, eggs loaded with fipronil were used in the production of the salads.

Distributed in different federal states
Are affected by the recall: Porreesalat Toscana, Grandma's Pellkartoffelsalat MHD 16.08.217, Gosch Sunday breakfast, egg salad classic Best before MHD 18.08.2017, Hofgut egg salad MHD 16.08.2017, Hofgut Tuna salad MHD 16.08.2017.

According to the information, the products were distributed in Berlin, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein.

According to "" the manufacturer "as a measure of preventive consumer protection initiated the withdrawal of the listed products".

Only small amounts of the insecticide detected
According to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the levels of fipronil detected in the contaminated eggs are so low that a health impairment is virtually ruled out.

According to the Institute, "a fipronil concentration of 0.72 mg / kg (sum of fipronil and the sulfone metabolite MB46136, calculated as fipronil) in chicken eggs may be considered to be the maximum concentration at which no acute health risk exists for any of the consumer groups studied".

According to the "Westdeutscher Rundfunk" (WDR), however, only a small amount (maximum 0.11 mg / kg) of the biocide was detected in the eggs delivered to NRW. Therefore, there is no danger to health when consumed normally. (Ad)