Fipronil-burdened eggs Where is information available?
The biocide Fipronil has meanwhile been detected in eggs from four farms in Lower Saxony. Consumers can see which batches are affected at Supermarkets take eggs from the market after the toxin fipronil has been detected. Image: Bobo-fotolia
Information on fipronil and eggs contaminated with fipronil is available at
Consumer uncertainty is high and many are wondering if they can eat eggs and egg products safely. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment considers a health risk unlikely. According to his calculations, at the highest level of 1.2 mg fipronil / kg egg measured in Belgium (not in Germany) a child with a body weight of 16.15 kg can be considered mathematically in one day (once or within 24 hours) Eat 1.7 eggs (with a weight of 70 g) without exceeding the guideline for health. An adult weighing 65 kg can therefore eat seven eggs in one day (once or within 24 hours) without exceeding the guideline for health.
Consumer inquiries answered also the Verbraucherlotse, the citizen information of the Federal Ministry for nutrition and agriculture in the Federal institute for agriculture and nutrition (BLE) Telephone: 0228 - 24 25 26 27 (9 o'clock to 17 o'clock), E-Mail: [email protected],