Antipyretic analgesics reduce antibodies

Antipyretic analgesics reduce antibodies / Health News

Antipyretic analgesics

Fever-reducing analgesics can reduce the formation of antibodies in humans Pulmonary doctors of the German Lung Foundation (DLS) in Hannover: Over-the-counter painkillers could have a negative effect on our immune system and reduce the effect of vaccinations

In some vaccinations, such as against pneumococci, diptheria, tetanus and whooping cough, according to recent statements by scientists to observe that means of the group of so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) reduce the immune response of our organism.

Researchers headed by a professor from the Faculty of Military Health Sciences at the University of Defense in the Czech Republic Hradec Králové observed in a study funded by the British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline the effect of prophylactic administration of paracetamol in children aged 9 to 16 weeks. The study was published in mid-October 2009 in the medical journal published in 1823 „ The Lancet“ , which now appears from the Elsevier publishing house, published.

In their study, they involved a total of 459 infants from 10 centers in the Czech Republic who had been vaccinated against various infectious diseases. Twenty-two of the children received prophylactic drug paracetamol 24 hours prior to vaccination. The other group with 233 children received none. Professor Rymula and colleagues found that the group of children who received paracetamol had less fever, but that antibody production was also significantly reduced for several vaccines. Agents such as paracetamol are among the so-called „non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)“. Their effect is partly that they block an enzyme (Cox-2) after ingestion in our organism.

Board member of the German Lung Foundation (DLS): „Effect of vaccination is reduced“
Prof. Dr. med. Adrian Gillissen, board member of the German Lung Foundation (DLS), director of the Robert Koch Clinic in Leipzig and specialist in internal medicine explained on the website of DLS:

„In the context of a vaccine, however, this is counterproductive, since Cox-2 is necessary for optimal production of antibodies (B lymphocytes)“, explains Gillissen. „Not only paracetamol, but all drugs of the group of NSAIDs are therefore suspected, B lymphocytes in their ability to form antibodies to impair and thus reduce the desired effect of vaccination - ie the formation of antibodies to components of the vaccine.“

Therefore, the Czech scientists in their study come to the conclusion that the use of antipyretic analgesics before vaccinations is rather discouraged.

Not only in naturopathy, yes, the vaccinations in childhood are very critical. But one can only hope that in vaccine-affirming circles, especially in pediatricians and parents, these findings in the temporal choice of vaccination as a criterion included. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy 24.12. 2009)

Pulmonary physicians in the network article

Study of Czech scientists in „The Lancet“

The studies at „Clinical Trials“