Holidays What must necessarily in the first aid kit?

Holidays What must necessarily in the first aid kit? / Health News
Tourists should always have a small selection of medicines
Anyone traveling on vacation should always have a small selection of medicines, especially when traveling abroad. What exactly belongs in the first-aid kit depends on the nature and destination of the trip. In general, however, the remedies should always be taken from the home country for safety reasons so that they are well prepared and immune from counterfeiting in the event of an emergency. The correct storage and dosage form of the drugs is important because agents such. Fever suppositories for small children can melt quickly in heat.

Content of the first-aid kit depends on the travel style and the destination
Finally holidays - everyone wishes that he stays healthy. Nevertheless, it is advisable to take as a precaution a small first-aid kit to be prepared for emergencies. Which medicines belong to these depends on the type of travel and the medical care on holiday, as the Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations (ABDA) explains in a recent press release. "On a backpacking trip through South-East Asia lasting several weeks, you need a first aid kit rather than a short beach holiday in Spain," said ABDA Vice President Mathias Arnold.

Tourists should always have a personalized first aid kit. Only then can they be sure to be well looked after in the event of illness. (Image: racamani /

Means to tackle common travel difficulties
Here, therefore, only everyone can see for themselves which medicines are necessary and to what extent. When compiling it therefore makes sense to seek advice from the pharmacist. In a comprehensive first aid kit, according to the ABDA, all those medicines that also belong in the medicine chest should be located. However, medicines for common travel difficulties such as digestive problems or nausea should come along. "Essential during day trips are analgesics, diarrheal drugs, a disinfectant and dressings," says Arnold. In addition, it is important that tourists take a sufficient amount of permanently needed medication.

Warning about counterfeit drugs
The remedies should definitely be taken from the home country, because "it would be reckless to rely on providing local care in an emergency," emphasizes ABDA Vice President. Especially in countries with poor health care is to be expected that no pharmacy is available or reachable. In addition, in some countries, many drugs would not be sold or fake, so the warning. Language barriers and differently marketed active substances would often do the rest here.

Important medicines are in your hand luggage
Also important is the storage: tourists should make sure that the medication is not stored too warm. For example, because Suppositories for small children may melt when traveling to southern countries or when they are in the hot car too long. Here, the pharmacist but other forms of administration such as drops or juices recommend, so one of the tips of the ABDA. Other medicines, such as Insulins should also be transported while traveling in a cool bag - but care must be taken to ensure that they do not freeze. In general, the first-aid kit belongs to the association (at least in part) in the hand luggage, since suitcases could be lost at any time. (No)