FDM opened in Tokyo International Course

FDM opened in Tokyo International Course / Health News

Fascial Distortion Model: Opened in Tokyo International Course


The International FDM Course under the leadership of FAA President Keisuke Tanaka FDM will start this Friday in Tokyo. O. and Marjorie Kasten P.T.

At the beginning of the event in the district of Asakusa, which is one of the most important shrines in Japan, Tanaka welcomed the approximately 40 participants, including a German delegation, with an introductory course in the fascial distortion model according to Stephen P Typaldos. Tanaka is a direct student of the founder of the fascistic distortion model and learned his skills directly from Typaldos, who unfortunately died in 2006 at the age of 49 years.

Today, Tanaka is considered to be a strict representative of Typaldo's ideas and can look back on a wealth of background knowledge acquired during his lifetime by Stephen Typaldos and enriched through practice over the years through experience. The impartation of this theoretical knowledge and the practice of practically applicable handles on the concept of the FDM were at Tanaka on Friday today in the foreground. Even the participants, who had completed the long journey from Germany to Tokyo, were rewarded for the long journey. Tanaka revealed from his wealth of experience unadorned everything that had been conveyed to him by Typaldos.

Thus, he has to consider that in addition to the body language, the subjective and objective complaints, as well as the triggering mechanism according to the fascial distortion model in the daily work with the patients must be considered. He advocated the indivisibility of these four elements of FDM diagnosis and also noted the cultural differences in body language between Asia and Western countries. In Asian countries, for example, people would be able to cope with their symptoms with a significantly lower gesticulation than, for example, in southern European countries. This often complicates access for Asian FDM therapists. The other factors in the FDM diagnosis have been revived, Tanaka said, with their significance. These are empirical values ​​that European FDM therapists should also use for themselves.

In addition, Tanaka conveyed to the attendees, most of which are Japanese sports physiotherapists, in the practical units original techniques of Stephen Typaldos and gave the practitioners tips from his many years of practical experience, e.g. in dealing with the gestures of patients with chronic back pain.

In Japan, too, the fascistic distortion model is well received, since, as in Europe, it uses partly unspecific methods in the everyday life of conventional medicine companies, which usually do not do justice to the individual character of the complaints of those affected. Tanaka expressed the scientific and therapeutic nonsensicalness of some common therapies in Japan with a vivid example: the same as attempting to give hair to a bald man to rekindle his hair growth. In this way, the massive volume of mediated material for those present was complemented by small anecdotes and made more accessible. Tanaka concluded his current passage by saying that from a point of view, it makes no sense,

to mix the FDM with other concepts. In his view, the FDM differs fundamentally from the other manual therapies or techniques on fascia like Rolfing, Myofascial Release, Acupressure or Massage. By blending with other techniques or concepts, the FDM would weaken its focus and effectiveness. Tomorrow, another colleague and student of the founder of the fascial distortion model teaches: Marjorie Kasten, P.T. her therapeutic focus is inversion therapy. (Tf)