Fascia often causes back pain

Fascia often causes back pain / Health News

Fascias often blame for back pain


In most cases, medics go for back pain from tensions caused by bad posture. A physician from Günzburg says he has found that back pain in many cases emanate from the fascia. This mustDr. Werner Klingler is a researcher from a team that deals intensively with the fascia at the district hospital Günzburg. Fibers refer to scientists as the surrounding and connective connective tissue in the body. But also laymen can recognize fascia well with the eye: „If you eat a piece of meat, then the fascia is the thin skin around the meat, or in a cross section, the white area that separates the individual muscles.“

Cracks and thickening can cause back pain
Only recently have physicians been interested in these structures, as there are more and more complaints that can not be explained with the previous anatomy and physiology models. In the past, the fasciae were considered to be rather low: the anatomists were rather annoying structures to be cut off on the way to the vessels, organs, muscles and bones. "In some of the patients with chronic back pain it could be shown that small cracks can explain these thickenings“, reports Klingler. These very small cracks and thickenings can cause back pain. If the back problems are already chronic, only an adjunctive therapy can help after an accurate diagnosis. It would be best, however, to let it happen at all. Everyone, according to the expert, can make a home care. The simple means are: „Stretching and stretching, but after detailed instructions“. Associations such as the EFDMA or the research facility in Günzburg have made fascia among medical circles a nationwide topic of discussion.

Areas of application of fascia therapy
Examples of application for a fascia therapy include sports injuries such as ligament strains, bruises or torn muscle fibers, but also back pain, shoulder or neck pain as well as numbness, tingling, weakness or instability.

Special fascia training
The new trend is to complete a special Faszientraining. More and more gyms offer this kind of health training. Alexander Schmelzle, for example, is a sports scientist in Günzburg and works in a rehab gym. Because the fasciae are glued by insufficient movements in everyday life, special exercises must be completed to relieve the discomfort. One possibility is to slide your thighs over a fixed roll. "With this rolling movement ... it works again“, said the sports scientist.

Although the scientists at the hospital in Günzburg have already made enormous progress, not all the secrets about the fascia are yet revealed, says dr. Werner Klingler. (Sb)