Lent Many abstain from fasting

Lent Many abstain from fasting / Health News

Many abstain from fasting


Around one third of the Christian Lent is now over, but for many people this has no meaning in this country. As a survey shows, only a few are on Lent and fasting for purely religious reasons does not matter to the majority.

I do what I enjoy
Fasting actually involves abandonment. But many people in this country prefer to abstain from fasting. The Christian Lent takes exactly 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter. But for many Germans abstinence and resignation for religious reasons hardly play a role in these weeks. A representative survey of the health magazine „pharmacy magazine“ The vast majority of respondents say they behave during Lent „as well as usual“ (86.6 percent). At 74.6 percent, around three-quarters of women and men do not want to be bound by religious traditions and say: „I always do what I enjoy doing.“ The survey of 2,229 women and men over the age of 14 was conducted by GfK Marktforschung Nürnberg.

Lent is important only for Christians
Those who sometimes get shorter would do so regardless of the calendar or religious guidelines. According to the survey, about one in three (34.4 percent) occasionally retains their very personal Lent, but not necessarily between Ash Wednesday and Easter. At 71.3 percent, about seven in ten people do not see any sense in voluntarily restricting themselves during Lent. About two-thirds of Germans (63.5 percent) think that Lent before Easter is only relevant for practicing Christians.

Reasonable reasons for´s fasting
But even without a religious background, there are reasonable motives to take a time for healthy fasting and detoxification. Above all, the fasting is to call, a recognized natural remedies, which should prevent and cure diseases. This method is often done in special fasting clinics and generally takes two to four weeks. Therapeutic fasting is used in a wide variety of diseases, such as joint diseases, skin diseases, allergies, tendency to infection, indigestion, obesity, hypertension or circulatory disorders. (Sb)