Lent Most people abstain from alcohol

Lent Most people abstain from alcohol / Health News

Lent: Germans prefer to abstain from alcohol rather than the car


The Germans would most likely forgo alcohol, sweets and meat. This resulted in a representative population survey by Forsa on behalf of the health insurance DAK-health. Women would also find the conscious renunciation more meaningful than men.

Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are the strongholds of fasting
According to the evaluation of the DAK, many Germans prefer to forego alcohol, sweets and meat rather than their car. Only 13 percent of the 1013 respondents would leave their car in Lent. After the wet and merry carnival days, according to DAK the willingness to renounce alcohol is greatest. This was stated by 67 percent of respondents. Chocolate and Co. could curb 60 percent and 41 percent said that they could do without meat during Lent.

„The participation in a Lent is particularly high in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg with 56 and 54 percent“, said a spokesman. „In the eastern German states, the proportion is 42 percent.“ According to DAK, 36 percent of respondents had never fasted or even considered it. This compares with 52 percent who have at least once for several weeks consciously waived, for example, alcohol, cigarettes or sweets.

34 percent of women would turn off their cell phones during Lent while only 27 percent of men would be willing. Without a computer and the Internet it would endure 22 percent. „As far as consumer goods are concerned, television is the most commonly cited at 34%“, is the result of the survey.

According to the DAK, 56 per cent of women make a conscious renunciation during Lent, while only 49 per cent of men support it.

The results of the Forsa survey commissioned by DAK Health:
The question was, "What would you most likely forgo during Lent?" And so the respondents answered:

• Alcohol: 67 percent
• Sweets: 60 percent
• Meat: 41 percent
• Smoking: 35 percent
• Television: 34 percent
• Mobile: 31 percent
• Computer / Internet: 22 percent
• Car: 13 percent

During Lent, do something good for yourself
„Many people use the time until Easter to reflect on their lives and possible changes“, reports Silke Willms from DAK-Gesundheit. „If you want to help your body or your psyche, you should not just think about renouncement and prohibition. An alternative is to consciously do something good for seven weeks. That can be a healthy diet or targeted relaxation.“ (Ag)

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