Fasting cleanses the stomach and the mind

Fasting cleanses the stomach and the mind / Health News

Fasting to cleanse the body and mind


In order to bring the body and the soul back into balance after too much feasting, many people opt for a fasting cure lasting several days, during which food or certain foods or stimulants are dispensed with. But who wants to achieve relief in this way, should pay attention to some things to avoid unpleasant surprises such as the yo-yo effect and health risks.

Need for abandonment „vice“ like alcohol or chocolate
Too much chocolate, alcohol or meat: There are many reasons to feel that something is happening again „too much of the good“ was. For one or the other develops the need for a conscious distance to the respective ones „vice“ - be it for health, ethical or religious reasons.„Fasting is the deliberate and voluntary renunciation of food and alcohol over a limited period, "explains Antje Gahl of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) to the news agency „dpa“. The waiver normally takes about five to ten days and should no longer be carried out due to health risks.

Religious element, which occurs in all major world religions
In order to relieve the body and the soul, it does not necessarily have to be the complete renunciation of food and stimulants. Instead, could „Fasting [...] also means that voluntarily omitting certain foods such as sweets or meat for a certain period of time, "adds general practitioner Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld from Bremen „dpa“. The original fasting is a religious element, which occurs in all major world religions and occurs in many forms. In this context, the renunciation serves, among other things, the contemplation of God and penance, the defense against evil, the pursuit of enlightenment or salvation or the „cleaning“ of the body before upcoming celebrations.

Without checking the normal eating habits threatens yo-yo effect
Today, however, the absence of food often other reasons, because „Most people fast to reduce their weight, "said Günther Gunzelmann of the professional association" Fasting and Nutrition " „dpa“. If the decrease is in the foreground, according to the experts after the time of the waiver, however, the normal dietary habits should be checked, otherwise the effect of the fast fizzles out again and it would come to the so-called „Jojo effect“.

After bronchitis abstain from fasting
In general, according to Gahl, any healthy adult could for a while give up food, but this should not be done to avoid health risks without medical supervision. However, abstinence from food is unsuitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women, children and adolescents under the age of 14, and people suffering from eating disorders. „Even those who have a severe infectious disease such as bronchitis just behind you should do without fasting, "advises Gunzelmann “newcomers“ also offer a fasting group, in which the participants support each other in a hangover. „You really have to want it inside and out of conviction, then it works“, Gunzelmann continues.

When taking medication regularly, talk to a doctor
If you want to fast and at the same time rely on the regular intake of medication, you should also speak in advance with a doctor about the plan, especially if hypertension, diabetes or certain heart disease. Because this could possibly lead to risky interactions, such as when taking dehydrating drugs, which could lead to an acute gout attack in combination with a fasting program, warns general practitioner Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld.

Buchinger fast the most popular method
For the implementation of the fast there are various possibilities, whereby according to Mühlenfeld the method according to Dr. med. Otto Buchinger is the most popular. This is a pure drinking cure on the basis of vegetable broth, juices and teas, which with so-called „relief days“ begins when the body is prepared for fasting by only light diet. At the beginning of the waiver, a complete defecation is performed first, then for five to ten days days no more solid food is taken, but instead taken over the day at least three liters of liquid. However, the Buchinger fasting should not be carried out on one's own, „Anyone who is fasting for more than ten days after this method should definitely do so in a clinic, "Gunzelmann recommends.

Whey cure as alternative fasting
Also known is the so-called „Schroth cure“, in which it is a natural healing process with drinking and dry days, which goes back to Johann Schroth (1798-1856). The Franz-Xaver-Mayr-Kur also represents a form of abandonment, whose main objective is in the intestinal rehabilitation and thus in principle is not a diet for weight loss, but a method for health promotion and purification. Another procedure from the field „fasting“ represents the so-called „whey fasting“ in which, instead of solid food throughout the day distributed a liter of whey is drunk. This is complemented by half a liter of fruit juice and three liters of still water, in the morning, a glass of sauerkraut juice is drunk to promote the cleaning of the intestine.

Fasting cure ideally on vacation
If you want to fast, you should ideally do this on vacation, as the body and mind are normally relaxed during this time. In normal everyday life, the start is especially Friday. "So you have the most quiet days on the weekend in front of the changeover," the doctor continues. The renunciation should not start abruptly in order not to overtax the body: „If possible, you should eat less than usual a few days before the treatment, "says Gunzelmann. (Nr)

Picture 2: Rainer Sturm
Picture 1: Rüdiger (Roger) Uwe Eichler