Fasting cleanses the stomach and the stomach

Fasting cleanses the stomach and the stomach / Health News

The ballast must go: Fasting cleanses the stomach and the stomach


For many people, after the feasting in the winter much Hüftgold has accumulated. Fasting is then a real treat for body and soul. For some, Ash Wednesday is the deadline on which to start weight loss. Healthy fasting is available throughout the year. However, some rules should be considered if you want to complete a cure as symptom-free.

Ash Wednesday lasts for Christian Lent
In the winter months many people snack and feast in excess. It usually starts in the Christmas season with cookies, roast and mulled wine and then ends in the carnival time with fatty food and a lot of alcohol. Ash Wednesday (18 February) is then for many the deadline on which the weight loss is started. On this day begins the Christian Lent. But many people do not fast for religious reasons, but for health reasons. In a message from the news agency dpa an overview with interesting facts about the topic is given.

Fasting for between five and ten days
„Fasting is the conscious and voluntary renunciation of food and alcohol over a limited period of time“, explains Antje Gahl from the German Nutrition Society (DGE). It usually fasts between five and ten days. If it takes longer, it can be dangerous and therefore should not be done without medical supervision. General practitioner Hans-Michael Mühlenfeld from Bremen explains: „But fasting can also mean voluntarily omitting certain foods such as sweets or meat for a while.“

Fasting is not suitable for all people
„In principle, every healthy adult can fast“, so Gahl. However, Guenther Gunzelmann of the professional association fasting and nutrition advises those who fast for the first time to join a fasting group. This has the advantage that the participants support each other mentally, if the will to persist. Some people, however, should refrain from fasting. These include pregnant women, nursing women and children and adolescents under the age of 14. „Even those who have a serious infectious disease such as bronchitis just behind you, should do without fasting“, Gunzelmann. In addition, people who take medications regularly should consult with their family doctor before starting to fast. This is especially true for patients suffering from hypertension, diabetes or certain heart diseases.

Colon cleansing with enemas
There are different methods for a fasting cure. „Most popular is the Buchinger method“, explains Mühlenfeld. This cure, named after its inventor Dr. Otto Buchinger is named, is first on a thorough colon cleansing with enemas. Subsequently, no solid food is consumed for five to ten days, there is only liquid. The body gets essential minerals and vitamins via vegetable broth and fruit juice. „Those who are fasting for more than ten days after this method should definitely do so in a clinic“, recommends Gunzelmann.

Stimulate excretion by sweat cures
Known is also the so-called Schroth-Kur, whose name goes back to the inventor, Johann Schroth. There is cereal porridge with plums and apricots and steamed vegetables to eat. By sweat cures with moist envelopes, the excretion is stimulated. During the cure, there are drinking days and days when there is hardly any liquid. The substances that have accumulated in the body are excreted on the drinking days. The named after their inventor F. X. Mayr cure is, according to experts, basically a gut rehabilitation. In this method, the colon is treated daily with Glauber's salt„by cleaned“. The withdrawal is supported by the drinking of water and teas and by special abdominal massages. With this cure special emphasis is placed on the correct chewing.

Holidays are ideal for fasting
Gunzelmann explains how to prepare best for fasting: „If possible, you should eat a few days before the cure less than usual.“ Because then the change for the body is not too radical. In his view, holidays are the ideal time for a fasting, because then body and mind are at rest. When fasting is stopped, it is important to return to your usual diet in small steps. No matter for what reason and for which method one decides: The health one does something good by controlled fasting. Not only because of the weight loss but also because of the improvement of the blood values. In natural medicine, fasting is also used for concomitant treatment in various diseases such as arteriosclerosis or hay fever. (Ad)

Picture: Rainer Sturm