Dye in Coca-Cola & Pepsi suspected of causing cancer

Dye in Coca-Cola & Pepsi suspected of causing cancer / Health News

Dye in Coca-Cola under suspicion of cancer: dye manufacturer lowers proportion of 4-MEI


One of the constituents of Coca Cola's cola beverage dye is suspected of being possibly carcinogenic. Due to the suspicious substance contained, the group has the dye producer „asked“, adjust the production accordingly so that the content of the substance decreases. Otherwise, the beverage multinational in California would have to attach warnings.

For some time, the dye component 4-MEI is in the criticism. The California Health Authority „OEHHA“ had found in a test with laboratory mice that when the substance was administered an increased incidence of lung cancer was observed. The group does not share the view, however. According to Coca-Cola, there are no studies that actually prove it, „that cancer is caused in humans“. In addition, a consumer would need to drink about 2900 doses of cola each day for over 70 years to reach the dose that was given to the mice. The substance 4-MEI is contained in the coloring caramel of the soft drink. The health is not endangered and the taste does not change, according to the group's assertive message.

Nevertheless, Coca-Cola and rival Pepsi want to adjust the production of the drinks. „We have asked our caramel manufacturers to change the production process to reduce the 4-MEI content“, explained a spokeswoman for the beverage company on Friday. In principle, the famous formula of Coca-Cola drinks will not change, she added.

The state of California has changed its laws again. If both companies did not lower the 4-MEI content, warnings would have to be affixed to the bottles or cans. Apparently, both beverage companies want to prevent this, because the image of the products could suffer as a result. California is also one of the states with the most inhabitants. After unconfirmed information and research by the English magazine „telegraph“ the recipe should not be changed in Europe or in other world states. (Sb)

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Picture: Motograf