Colors & herbs for more appetite of seniors

Colors & herbs for more appetite of seniors / Health News

Lack of appetite: Seniors should spice up the food well


Anorexia can have a variety of causes and may be a symptom of gastrointestinal disease. For many older people, factors such as diminished taste perception play a significant role in the declining appetite. But with a few tricks seniors get pleasure from eating again.

Loss of appetite in seniors
There are several causes of loss of appetite, and it is often mental or an indication of gastrointestinal illness. For many older people behind the declining appetite are reasons such as heartburn, pain when chewing or diminished taste perception. If seniors do not feel hungry despite an empty stomach, the resulting involuntary diet can have health consequences. Regular food is important to the body and can boost the immune system. A few tricks can help seniors feel like eating again.

Spice up food properly
The result of loss of appetite is weight loss and vitamin deficiency. This weakens the immune system, said Antje Gahl, a nutritionist from the German Nutrition Society (DGE) to the news agency dpa. The expert knows some little tips that help to revive the appetite. One of them refers to the right seasoning: as the number of taste buds decreases in old age, the taste perception of seniors changes. „Especially sweet and salty, they taste less, acid and bitter, however, better“, so Gahl. Therefore, elderly people should use fresh spices and herbs to give the food a more intense taste. „This does not mean, however, that the food is overly salted.“ High salt intake is unhealthy and can lead to hypertension, among other things. Mrs. Gahl advises bitter vegetables such as chicory or a glass of sour orange juice.

The eye is eating
Although the rule is that the eye kills, but in old age many people suffer from visual disturbances. „Then the food on the plate can look like an unappetizing gray porridge“, so Gahl opposite dpa. Remedy can create, among other colored dishes or food with strong colors like the orange of carrots or the red of tomatoes. Furthermore, seniors should provide for a pleasant atmosphere while eating. „For example, the meal can be a shared experience with friends or partner“, Gahl advises. Then the food is not an annoying compulsion, in the sense of duty quickly a sandwich between the door and Angel is consumed.

Make your meals varied
In addition, the expert advises that seniors should take more small rather than less large meals. A huge portion could have a deterrent effect on them. „Ideal are five smaller meals a day“, so Gahl. In addition, seniors can also quiet later in the evening to take something, for example, a yogurt or fruit. Basically, it is important that they do not eat the same thing every day, but make the meals varied. Since some older people have problems with chewing, for example due to an artificial dentition or painful teeth, the food should be prepared to suit the mouth. The expert advises that, for example, the hard bark can be removed from bread.

Older people should drink a lot
It is also very important for seniors to drink a lot. Often, older people feel less thirsty and a lower fluid intake causes, among other things, a dry mouth. Gahl explained: „Due to the lack of saliva, the flavorings in the mouth can not fully develop.“ Therefore, it helps to drink a lot and to grab the glass of water during meals. In addition, you can prevent constipation by adequate hydration, which can also be a cause of loss of appetite. (Ad)

Picture: Rosemarie Doll