Family suffers carbon monoxide poisoning

Family suffers carbon monoxide poisoning / Health News

Five-member family undergoes carbon monoxide poisoning while grilling


As a family of five from Münster was surprised by the barbecue of rain showers, she moved her charcoal grill on the terrace towards the entrance to the house. Due to unfavorable winds, the toxic gases then entered the house, as reported by the Munster fire brigade.

Carbon monoxide poisoning threatens suffocation
The poisoning had initially made itself felt only in the six-year-old daughter. When the ambulance arrived, he also found signs of poisoning among the eleven and 14-year-old sons and their parents, the fire brigade said.

In the case of carbon monoxide poisoning, the ability of carbon monoxide to form very strong complex compounds with, for example, hemoglobin causes an oxygen deficiency that can lead to the death of the person concerned. The binding strength of carbon monoxide to hemoglobin is much greater than that of oxygen. As a result, the affected red blood cells are no longer available for transporting oxygen, so that death threatens by asphyxiation. (Ag)

Picture: Paulwip