Family reports homeopathy

Family reports homeopathy / Health News

Family reports on their positive experiences


In the media and medical circles, homeopathy is sometimes discussed controversially. Rarely in this discussion, those affected to speak. That is why the „Media Initiative Homeopathy“ interviewed a family that can look back on many years of experience with homeopathy.

How does the family experience homeopathy? That's what director Maja Classen wanted to know for the media initiative. The interview she conducted and filmed offers interesting insights into homeopathic work and vividly demonstrates the holistic approach of homeopathy in the treatment of patients.

Using the example of the successful treatment of polyps in the nasopharynx of one of their children, the parents talk about how the homeopathic alternative practitioner approaches the health problem very holistically. The interviewed family from Potsdam draws their own conclusion: Their experience has convinced them of homeopathy.

Media Initiative Homeopathy
The Media Initiative Homeopathy is a joint initiative of the three homeopathy organizations: Foundation Homeopathy Certificate (SHZ), Association of Classical Homeopaths of Germany (VKHD), Homeopaths Without Borders (HOG). You can find the movie HERE. (Pm)

Picture: from the movie