Wrong doctor man is said to have spent years as a surgeon

Wrong doctor man is said to have spent years as a surgeon / Health News
"Dr. Med. ": Wrong doctor in the hospital
In a hospital in the Rhineland Düren an obviously wrong doctor has flown. The man is said to have worked as a resident doctor for years although he is not a physician at all. He had previously worked in another clinic. Now he was terminated.

Medical profession permission
At Dürener hospital a man is said to have worked for many years as a false doctor. As the clinic communicates on its website, he was now terminated without notice. Furthermore, they have filed criminal charges on suspicion of fraud and falsification of documents. According to the information, the man was supposed to have falsified a doctorate certificate and got his doctor's medical certificate. As the hospital further explained, had been found in investigations, that the man should have studied medicine, but probably had not taken an exam.

Wrong doctor but still flown. Image: BillionPhotos.com - fotolia

Certificate of district government confirmed as genuine
"We have hired the man on the basis of a good reputation from the clinic in which he previously worked," writes the hospital in a statement. His approbation certificate had been confirmed by the district government as genuine and also the work of the man had given no reason to doubt his qualification. The wrong doctor has been flown because apparently he also wanted to wear the title "Dr.med.". Evidence that something was wrong with the man employed as a medical assistant, came from the ranks of the clinic itself. "A colleague was interested in his doctoral thesis, looking for her and not found," said a hospital spokesman for the WDR.

Not an isolated case
According to the Aachen newspaper, the man worked for years in general surgery, which performs abdominal surgery. Although he had been involved in operations, according to clinical information, however, had not worked without the supervision of another, responsible physician. He also did not make any diagnoses or initiate therapies on his own authority. In recent years, several cases have become known in which persons worked as medical doctors, even though they were not. For example, in July this year in Regensburg, Bavaria, a fake cosmetic surgeon who had done dozens of cosmetic surgeries without being a doctor was on trial. The judges found him guilty; he has to go to jail for four years.