Wrong doctor injected anesthetic

Wrong doctor injected anesthetic / Health News

Wrong doctor injected anesthetics and administered medication


Without a license, a 27-year high school graduate has been treating patients in clinics for months. The man without profound medical knowledge also administered syringes with anesthetics. The wrong doctor participated in several emergency operations and looked after patients at at least two clinics.

Wrong doctor treated over 150 patients
According to the prosecutor Stuttgart is currently being investigated against a false doctor. The accused is accused of having treated dozens of patients in hospitals without medical training. To feign a doctor's license, the young man had falsified a certificate of approval. With the fake documents he had applied to different clinics. In fact, the man was successful in at least two hospitals. So treated the „wrong doctors“ in a clinic in Munich and in a hospital in Horb near Stuttgart. From October 2009 to January 2010, the accused treated around 150 patients. Finally, the man was arrested in February 2010. Since then he spends his time in custody.

Impeccable CV and good application
In the beginning, the fraud was not noticed. The man with the title had applied „Dr. Sasha Schenk“. The presented CV made an impeccable impression on the clinic management. The deputy manager of the hospital for „Holy Spirit“ told the press that the documents submitted were not objectionable at first sight. It was a very good fake, and in terms of content nothing was unusual at first.

The fraud was inflated after a district hospital in Backnang inquired about the man because of spelling mistakes in the application letter to the German Medical Association. At the medical board the alleged physician was completely unknown. Thereafter, the hospital administration filed criminal charges and the dizziness flew open.

Basic medical knowledge through social year
Since the accused had previously completed a voluntary social year (FSJ) at the German Red Cross (DRK) after completing his education, he was able to acquire some basic knowledge of medicine. This he applied during the time of his work. So the defendant was involved in several emergency and rescue operations. According to a spokesman for the prosecutor, he also injected anesthetics and other drugs. At the beginning of the investigation, there was a suspicion that the wrong doctor was also responsible for the death of two patients during his missions. This initial suspicion, however, could not be maintained.

False doctor confesses almost all deeds

In essence, the man already confessed his offense. As a motive, he stated that he had financial worries and had spent as a doctor for this reason. The prosecution charges charges of commercial fraud, forgery of documents, dangerous assault and abuse of titles. The defendant now faces a prison sentence of several years. In addition, it is determined against the man because he has erroneously struck a charge of 20,000 euros. He also stole a laptop and did not pay for some bills for medical equipment.

The trial will be conducted by the 5th Criminal Division of the Stuttgart District Court. When the procedure is opened is still unclear. An appointment must still be found, according to prosecutors. Since the defendant already has a criminal record, he faces imprisonment of up to 10 years. A chiropodist from Aschaffenburg had also spent as a physician. The man was sentenced to a total of five years in November last year. (Sb)

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