Facts about suicide

Facts about suicide: Every year 10,000 suicide deaths - mostly mental illnesses are the cause
The German Depressionshilfe Foundation has provided some background information on suicide and depression.
Suicide mostly due to mental illness
Almost 90% of the approximately 10,000 suicides and 150,000 suicide attempts in Germany take place against the background of an often not optimally treated mental illness, most often depression. Suicide rates are by far the highest among older men, and suicide attempts are higher among younger women.
In depression, existing problems are perceived enlarged and placed at the center of life. „In severe, so-called psychotic depressions, gigantic fears of the future and feelings of guilt associated with high inner tension, feelings of exhaustion, insomnia and total hopelessness can occur, resulting in sinister thoughts and even suicides.“ explains Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Hegerl, Chairman of the Foundation German Depression Aid.
Extended suicides
„In the context of very severe depression, it can rarely come to an extended suicide. The sufferers perceive everything as so hopeless and unbearable through the black glasses of depression that they do not want to leave their relatives in this terrible misery. They then take them with them to death“, says Prof. dr. Ulrich Hegerl. Many depressed people are especially responsible and caring people in their healthy state. The fact that strangers are torn to death, as in this plane crash, rather suits not to an extended suicide in the context of depression.“ says Prof. dr. Ulrich Hegerl. „But there are other mental illnesses, e.g. Psychoses in which those affected hear voices that sometimes even give them orders that go hand in hand with a completely different perception of the environment. This can also lead to tragic mistakes.“ the psychiatrist Hegerl continues.
Professional treatment can prevent suicide
The professional treatment of mental illness is the most important measure to prevent suicide. „The high suicide and Suizidversuchszahlen are unacceptable, since the great majority could be well helped by a consistent treatment. In particular, depression can be treated well by antidepressants and psychotherapy and thus prevent suicidality. Therefore, the better recognition and the more consistent treatment of the depressive sufferer is a top priority goal.“ emphasizes Hegerl.
Assistance for those affected and relatives
Patients with suspected depression or schizophrenia can find help with their GP or a psychiatrist. In addition, the German Depressionshilfe Foundation, with the support of the Deutsche Bahn Foundation, provides information for those affected and relatives:
- Germany-wide information telephone Depression: 0800 33 44 5 33
- a self-test, knowledge and addresses around the topic depression on www.deutsche-depressionshilfe.de
- Online forum: Exchange of experiences for those affected and relatives under www.diskussionsforum-depression.de
Foundation German Depression Aid
The aim of the German Depressive Aid Foundation is to make a significant contribution to better care for people suffering from depression and to reducing the number of suicides in Germany. Depression-related research and education activities are designed to help those affected achieve optimal treatment and greater acceptance in society. The patron of the Foundation German Depressionshilfe is entertainer Harald Schmidt. (Pm)
Image: D. Braun