Facts and Myths about Gluten Free Foods - How Helpful Is Gluten Free Really?

Is a gluten-free diet in healthy people advisable?
The daily walk through the supermarket quickly confirms the trend of gluten-free diet. The offer ranges from waffle ice cream, pizza, cereals, baked goods, baking mixes and breadcrumbs to various types of pasta and flour. Gluten-free products give consumers the feeling that they are doing something good for their health. But what is really behind it?
The myths about gluten are numerous. Food manufacturers have long been seeing a flourishing market in gluten-free products, as many consumers voluntarily opt out. There are many rumors about gluten, for example, they make you fat, cause fatigue, promote heart disease and lead to a generally worse general condition. But there is no sound scientific evidence for these statements.

For whom are gluten bad?
In fact, there are people who can not tolerate gluten. These people suffer from celiac disease, a gluten intolerance. This can lead to many unpleasant consequences, including digestive problems, body aches, fatigue, headaches and depression. The AOK writes on its website: "Only about 0.5 to 1 percent of the population are affected by celiac disease, also known as native sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy. You have to eat strictly gluten-free. Those who do not have celiac disease, however, would restrict themselves too much by omitting domestic cereal products. "Gluten should not be labeled as harmful in general. Nutritionists and studies show that abstaining from gluten in healthy people may not be useful, and in some cases even harmful.
Gluten - what's that??
Gluten, also known as gluten, are natural constituents of many cereals such as barley, wheat, spelled, oats and rye. It serves as the most important storage protein for many crops and cereals. In food production, gluten is suitable as a good emulsifier or as a carrier of flavorings and therefore find use, for example, in bread baking and in the production of ready meals and sauces.
Long-term study warns healthy people from gluten-free
A few months ago, the specialist journal BMJ published a long-term study with more than 100,000 participants who had been medically monitored for over 26 years. The scientists found no link between diet with gluten and increased risk of heart disease. However, in some subjects, the gluten-free diet resulted in cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease due to malnutrition due to the lack of whole-grain products. The study concludes that a gluten-free diet is not conducive to good health in people without celiac disease.
What applies to wheat-sensitive people?
According to the AOK, there are also people with a "wheat sensitivity". However, according to the latest research, this is not triggered by gluten. Slightly less pasta, white bread and pizza could help here. Basically, according to the AOK: "Anyone who does not suffer from celiac disease should by no means eat strictly gluten-free." (Fp)