Extra healthy aubergine to prepare properly

Extra healthy aubergine to prepare properly / Health News
Eggplant does not taste so bitter
Whether grilled, roasted, stewed or stewed - the eggplant is ideal for the light summer cuisine. The vegetables have a neutral taste and only develop their own character with other ingredients. The French classic is a ratatouille with eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, onions and garlic. The Greeks like to eat the fruit in Moussaka, a casserole with potatoes, tomatoes and minced meat. In the Orient, it is served in the form of puree or paste. The eggplant is a low-calorie vegetable, as it consists of more than 90 percent water. It also provides folic acid, B vitamins and minerals such as potassium.

That's how eggplant tastes

The eggplant, also called eggplant or melanzani, is originally native to India. Today, the nightshade plant grows worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions. In the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain, the fruits are grown in the greenhouse. In this country, primarily the elongated, purple and shiny fruits are known. However, African and Asian specialty stores also have white, pink, yellow, orange and white-violet striped aubergines in their assortment. The rather spongy flesh is cream-colored and contains numerous cores, but do not disturb. The eggplant should not be eaten raw, as it contains bitter substances and solanine. Solanin can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and is destroyed during cooking as much as possible.

The eggplant should not be eaten raw, as it contains bitter substances and solanine. Solanin can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and is destroyed during cooking as much as possible.

If you want to prepare the aubergine solo, cut the raw fruit into slices or pens. A few drops of lemon juice prevent the white flesh from turning brownish in the air. Now sprinkle with a little salt and let it rest for 30 minutes. In this way, unwanted bitter substances and excess water are removed so that the fruits taste better and soak less with fat during frying. If the aubergine is cooked and combined with other vegetables as in ratatouille, this step is not necessary. Meanwhile, there are varieties that contain less bitter substances. The best way to inform yourself in the shop at the specialist staff.

The eggplant is available throughout the year in the trade. In the case of the ripe fruit, the peel eases slightly at the touch of a finger. The vegetables feel most comfortable at temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius, but should be consumed as soon as possible. Heike Kreutz, bzfe