Explosion hazard recalled beverage bottles

Explosion hazard recalled beverage bottles / Health News

Edeka recalls Black Forest Sprudel


The drink „rhubarb“ from Schwarzwald-Sprudel was recalled by the supermarket chain Edeka because it was accidentally filled with a wrong ingredient. The bottles could explode. Affected are Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, the south of Hesse and parts of Bavaria.

Recall of the beverage bottles by Edeka because of wrong ingredient
Customers who drink „rhubarb“ bought by Schwarzwald-Sprudel in a branch of the supermarket chain Edeka, should open the bottles under any circumstances. As Edeka Südwest announced on Thursday, were due to the „Defective production of a raw material by the supplier“ accidentally gets yeasts into the bottles, „which can lead to fermentation of the bottle contents and under unfavorable circumstances to bursting of the bottle“. Customers who have already purchased the product should not consume it and bring it back to the point of sale. There, the money would be refunded, the company said.

Affected is drink „rhubarb“ Schwarzwald-Sprudel, a subsidiary of Edeka Südwest, with a best-before date of 17 May 2014. According to the manufacturer, these are 0.7-liter bottles with a fruit content of 15 percent. The product concerned was delivered in the southwestern region, in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, the Saarland, the south of Hesse and parts of Bavaria.

Only last March, Edeka had to take liver dumplings because of harmful germs from the trade. The pathogens were discovered during tests. Even then, the Southwest region was affected. (Ag)

Picture credits: khv24