Expert questions Depression or just depressed depressive?

Expert questions Depression or just depressed depressive? / Health News
Depressed or just out of tune? Ten important questions about sadness
Experts estimate that in Germany about four million people are depressed. But how can I tell if I'm just upset or already suffering from "sadness"? And what about mediterranean diet, sleep deprivation, light showers or magnetic stimulation in case of illness? Answers to these and other questions about Dr. med. Friedrich Straub, chief physician of Schlossparkklinik Dirmstein.

Depression is a widespread disease: 20 percent of us get sick once in a lifetime. Hopelessness, grief and despair are spreading. At the same time mental lows are basically a natural part of our lives - as natural as highs of the mood. "If we are rejected by close friends, if we suffer professional failures or if we separate ourselves from the life partner, then the psyche can get out of whack. We feel bad and depressed, "explains Dr. Friedrich Straub, chief physician of Schlossparkklinik Dirmstein.

Depressed mood or depression? Image: - fotolia

But what distinguishes moodiness from depression?
"A depression is much more than just a mood depression," explains the specialist in psychiatry, psychotherapy and neurology. Dullness, listlessness and despair determine everyday life - and that for a long time: In contrast to moods that plague many people, especially during periods of mourning or in the dull season, depressions (Latin = depressing) can last months and years. In addition, there are often other complaints such as fears, stomach or intestinal problems, headaches or insomnia. "Coping with the (professional) everyday life is becoming more and more of a problem for those affected. On their own, they barely manage to overcome the low, "Dr. Straub. Another typical symptom of depression is sudden lack of interest. "Whether job, hobbies or friends - everything loses importance," says the expert. Those affected can hardly get excited about anything. Empathy, joy and the ability to concentrate noticeably decrease.

How does it come to a depression?
Medical cause are disturbances of the brain metabolism. Triggers can be, for example, lack of sleep and light, stress, loneliness or grief. But also the genetic predisposition is important. As a rule, different biological, social and psychological factors play a role. A moodiness can also conceal anxiety disorders or psychosis. Not infrequently, however, are also behind diabetes, dementia, drugs or thyroid problems. Therefore, medical clarification is required and always the first important step towards efficient treatment.

Dr. med. Straub

What helps with depressive moods?
"People with depression usually withdraw from other people," Dr. Straub from his daily practice. "They avoid meetings with friends and family celebrations, but that's not good, of course," warns the specialist. Even though it is very difficult, it is extremely important to maintain social contacts: to go out among people and to participate in life. For lighter moods, sports and relaxation as well as herbal ingredients such as St. John's wort can be helpful.

When should I go to the doctor or to a clinic??
If I suffer from depressive moods for more than 14 days, the family doctor should be consulted. He can assess whether additional specialists should be consulted or whether psychological help is appropriate. The earlier the treatment starts, the shorter and easier it usually is. In case of severe depression, it may be advisable to stay in a specialist clinic. On the basis of a detailed medical history and diagnostics, an individual treatment plan is created for each patient, which should take into account the personality and complaints of each individual individually.

Healthy food reduces the risk of depression?
Studies suggest that Mediterranean diets are not only good for the heart and circulation, but may also help counteract depression. However, melancholy can not be cured by Mediterranean diet with lots of omega-3 fatty acids. What is certain, however, is that, for example, chocolate can increase mood by increasing the serotonin level in the brain in the short term.

With sleep deprivation from the soul depression?
Many therapists recommend a watch for severe depression. The controlled sleep deprivation leads to a change in the messenger substances in the brain and thus in more than half of the patients to an improvement in the mood. But sleep deprivation is anything but a permanent solution: Often, another phase of deep melancholy follows already after the next good night's sleep. Nevertheless, the positive experience remains that even in times of severe depression improvement is possible and there is reason to hope.

In which cases does the magnetic stimulation help??
Studies have shown that magnetic stimulation can be a safe, gentle and tolerable treatment for major depression. "In particular, for patients in whom psychotropic drugs and psychotherapies do nothing, this treatment is an alternative," said Dr. med. Straub. Magnetic stimulation activates nerve cells in certain brain areas. There is an increased release of brain messengers (neurotransmitters) and, as a consequence, an antidepressant effect. Possible "side effects" may be headache and dizziness in some patients. As a rule, at least ten treatments are required. These are not paid by the statutory health insurance.

How does the light therapy work??
As is well known, the dark season is depressing many people's minds. Especially for mild to moderate winter depression, many doctors therefore recommend a light therapy for mood enhancement. The patients sit for half an hour a day in front of a luminaire with up to 10,000 lux. The artificial light (without damaging UV content) promotes the secretion of the happiness hormone serotonin. The majority of patients feel improved after two to three weeks of treatment with the "light shower".

Are depressions curable?
While psychotherapy is usually sufficient for mild depression, psychotropic drugs (antidepressants) are usually added to severe forms. The mood-enhancing drugs help to restore the metabolism in the brain. But people who are depressed, always tend to relapse. Often they suffer depressive phases several times in life. There are no preventive measures. However, a lot of exercise in the fresh air is soothing to the psyche and mood - so cycling, running or walking as often as possible.

What can relatives do??
Relatives can help those affected by possibly accompanying them to the doctor and assisting them with the treatment. Often it also helps to signal that you are always there for the patient and that you face the challenges together. Instead of allegations, patience and understanding are needed to constructively support the treatment. But without professional therapeutic support it is not possible despite all well-intentioned help. (Pm)