Expert assessment Can the new Apple Watch detect heart disease?

Expert assessment Can the new Apple Watch detect heart disease? / Health News

Cardiologists on the new ECG features of the Apple Watch 4

The new wristwatch from Apple includes technology to monitor heart function. An integrated ECG function provides the wearer with information about the rhythm of the heart and can alert people to changes and thus recognize cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation at an early stage. An American study examined the reliability of the watch. German cardiologists now comment on the new health-related features and published a first assessment of how trustworthy this form of cardiac control actually is.

Atrial fibrillation is the most common form of cardiac arrhythmia. This atrial fibrillation may indicate heart disease and is associated with an increased risk of stroke. If the atrial fibrillation detected early, this can be treated very well. The new Apple Watch (Watch 4) can monitor cardiac function with an integrated optical pulse sensor and an electrical sensor to warn of any irregularities. But is this technique really reliable? Experts of the German Society of Cardiology (DGK) clarify.

Devices with health monitoring functions are increasingly being introduced into everyday life. The new Apple Watch 4 has an ECG function and can detect cardiac arrhythmia. How reliable is this technique? (Image: Denys Prykhodov /

Recognize fibrillation via the watch?

The new Apple Watch 4 can detect an irregular heartbeat via ECG functions. In combination with an EKG app for the smartphone, the watch can perform and record a 1-lead ECG. "The goal of this app is to detect early on an irregular heart rhythm, which suggests atrial fibrillation," says Professor. med. Thomas Deneke, spokesman of the DGK Rhythmology Working Group and chief physician of the Clinic for Interventional Electrophysiology of the Cardiovascular Clinic in Bad Neustadt.

Preliminary investigations confirm the reliability

"Preliminary investigations actually show that there is a 95 percent agreement with the atrial fibrillation detected by Smart Watch and clinically documented atrial fibrillation," report the DGK experts. The Apple Watch 4 could thus be a valuable monitoring tool for establishing important information for patients and their doctors, says Professor Deneke.

The interpretation of the measurement results involves risks

The app is supported by the American Heart Association. A first American study confirms the reliability, but DGK cardiologists caution caution. "Although initial studies support the reliability of the device, the interpretation of the measurement results in risks," explain cardiologists in a press release.

Currently not fully recommended

"The Apple Watch 4 is constantly expanding its range of services from fitness applications to medical issues, such as the detection of atrial fibrillation," adds Professor. Peter Radke, Chairman of the Electronic & Mobile Health Committee of the DGK. He considers continuing studies on reliability to be essential. According to the professor, one can not yet rely on a detected by the Apple Watch 4 atrial fibrillation and or based treatments on this diagnosis.

Approved as a medical device in America

The Food and Drug Administration recognizes these technologies for monitoring health-related information. As a safeguard, there are nevertheless safety instructions in the Instructions for Use that the results of the ECG App must always be clarified by a doctor.

No substitute for a doctor's visit

"The Apple Watch should not be used as a substitute for a visit to the doctor, but rather can help to record relevant heart rhythm data and to support a supervising physician in diagnostics," said Professor Deneke.

This is the opinion of the cardiologists

"Overall, the Apple Watch offers an interesting opportunity to monitor possible heart rate abnormalities and can especially support patients with known arrhythmia in the aftercare," summarize the heart experts. Users should be aware that there is still a need for medical attention. This applies in particular to high-risk patients. Whether the app in Germany by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is approved, is currently not yet clear. On the German product page, the ECG app is not mentioned yet. (Vb)