Exotic vegetables Beware sweet potatoes contain dangerous oxalic acid

Exotic vegetables Beware sweet potatoes contain dangerous oxalic acid / Health News

Trendy vegetables with a lot of oxalic acid: Cook sweet potatoes better before eating them

The sweet potato is full of healthy ingredients and is therefore often praised as a real "power food". However, trendy vegetables contain a lot of oxalic acid depending on the variety, which can be dangerous for certain groups of people. The oxalic acid content, however, can be significantly reduced by cooking the sweet potatoes.

Vegetables are full of healthy ingredients

Sweet potatoes, which are also called Batate, are now no longer found only in the vegetable counters of health food stores but also increasingly in well-stocked supermarkets. The trendy vegetable contains many healthy ingredients and is therefore often touted as a real "power food". But: "sweet potatoes contain depending on the variety a lot of oxalic acid," writes the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE) on its website. However, foods containing high levels of oxalic acid should only be consumed by certain groups of people in moderation. The experts explain what consumers can do.

Although sweet potatoes are generally considered to be very healthy, they sometimes also contain a lot of oxalic acid, which can be dangerous for certain groups of people. But the correct preparation can reduce the oxalic acid content significantly. (Image: karepa / fotolia.com)

Rich in vitamins and minerals

Like the traditional table potato, the potato contains important minerals such as potassium, zinc, calcium and many vitamins.

According to experts, the proportions of beta-carotene and vitamin A in sweet potatoes are higher. Potatoes, on the other hand, provide more folic acid and phosphorus.

The batata also contains many healthy phytochemicals. The sweet potato owes its pink to yellow-orange or violet color antioxidants such as the carotenoids and anthocyanins, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Due to its increased fiber content, the Batate is also a good satiety. A substance contained in the sweet potato has a very special health-promoting effect: Caiapo.

This substance, which is mainly contained in the shell of the Batate, is said to counteract diseases such as anemia, hypertension and diabetes.

Consume oxalic acid foods only in moderation

But sweet potatoes also contain a lot of oxalic acid, depending on the variety. This deteriorates "the bioavailability of minerals such as calcium and magnesium," explains the BZfE. This means that such substances can no longer be absorbed by the body so well.

High-oxalic foods such as rhubarb, spinach and sweet potatoes should therefore only be consumed in moderation.

According to the experts, with regard to calcium, this applies especially to vegans and people with lactose intolerance who do not consume milk and dairy products.

Boil sweet potatoes and pour boiling water away

The BZfE also explains what consumers can do: "The oxalic acid content, however, can be significantly reduced by boiling the sweet potatoes and not using the cooking water."

Those who suffer from kidney disease or have kidney stones should better abstain from sweet potatoes and other oxalic acid foods, as the acid can cause kidney stone formation. (Ad)