Exotic fenugreek for healthy cooking

Exotic fenugreek for healthy cooking / Health News
Fenugreek for the Asian cuisine: In curry or solo
Fenugreek is an important spice of Asian and especially Indian cuisine. The small seeds are contained in many spice mixtures and often in curry powder. Because they can complement or soften the aroma of other ingredients very well. Even solo, the herb sets accents and refines lamb, fish, stews, lentils and Indian chutneys. South Tyroleans value fenugreek in cheese and bread. In the oriental area, the delicate leaves of the plant are eaten as a salad or steamed vegetables. Fenugreek has also been known for a long time in the field of medicine. Among other things, it should strengthen the appetite and lower the cholesterol level.

Genuine fenugreek stimulates the appetite. Image: andriigorulko - fotolia

The fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a herbaceous plant of the family of the butterfly plants and probably comes from Persia and Egypt. Today it is also grown in other countries such as Morocco and India. The plant develops legumes, each containing around 20 small, light brown and hard seeds. They are harvested ripe and dried. The name is due to the fruit pods that are reminiscent of the horns of a goat.

When raw, fenugreek tastes slightly bitter and spicy, due to the aroma of sotolone and essential oils. A kitchen tip: Before the actual preparation roast the seeds without fat in a non-stick pan lightly. Then they darken slightly and develop a caramel-like, slightly nutty taste. Process only the amount you really need.

If you want to try the exotic spice, you will find it as whole seeds, dried leaves or powder in Asia and health food stores, at the spice trader and in well-stocked supermarkets. Buy only small amounts, because over time the aroma is lost. Ideally, the seeds are kept dry, well closed and kept cool. The powder is very spicy and should therefore be used sparingly. Heike Kreutz, bzfe