Ethics Committee has concerns with Ritalin

Ethics Committee has concerns with Ritalin / Health News

National Ethics Commission of Switzerland has concerns with "Ritalin" for children


In a statement of the National Ethics Commission of Switzerland serious concerns are raised against the increasing use of psychotropic drugs in the enhancement, the pharmacologically generated performance enhancement of the brain. Special attention deserves the enhancement in children:

"There is an increasing tendency to see pharmacological interventions that do not affect (fully) capable persons that adults, usually parents, are allowed to choose in health matters as well „the best“ for her child to want and ensure additional buoyancy. This is often „the best“ Defined in terms of future life in society: Parents usually wish to see the child well in the competition for education and employment, especially by improving his and his cognitive but also emotional and social skills „stress resistance“ be increased. This competition starts very early, intensified at school entry. As is known, psychotropic drugs also have an effect in healthy children. Accordingly, the incentive for the parents to use such means to promote the attention and concentration of the child and thus make it more competitive. Such „optimization“ The child's abilities happen without time expenditure and also unnoticed, so that the parents do not have to face critical remarks.

From an ethical perspective, the fact that the diagnosis of, for example, an attention deficit syndrome, an oppositional defiance or an anxiety disorder is a technical challenge is important because the distinction between normal and diseased child behaviors is difficult to draw. It can also be assumed that as a result of the increase in the consumption of psychotropic drugs, the standards have also shifted or shifted, which behaviors of a child or adolescent are socially compatible and „normal“ are - or are classified as pathological. Since the diagnosis is also influenced by such social evaluations as well as an interest that children behave in kindergarten and at school, a further increase in prescriptions is to be expected. This example shows that the distinction between enhancement and need for therapy is culturally and historically variable - and therefore requires ethical reflection as well.

The use of pharmacological agents may have further effects on the character, because the child is taught that it is only by means of such means in a socially recognized manner „is working“. Insofar as its characteristics are drug-adapted and dependent on psychotropic drugs, it has implications for personality development and self-esteem and may favor the development of patterns of addictive behavior. The pressure of conformity among children from parents and educational institutions enforces a standard of normality that reduces tolerance for childishness. Also, the variety of temperaments and lifestyles could be reduced and thus ultimately the right of the child to an open life path be endangered. The NEK-CNE advocates adapting the living conditions to the interests and needs of the children. For the qualities of childhood, which do not concern aspects of social competition and efficiency, but play, which make friends and the leisure-relaxed leisure, could otherwise lose in appreciation - and with it the childhood itself. "(Pm)

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Image: Rainer Sturm /