There are no mild antibiotics

There are no mild antibiotics / Health News

Medical Survey: Almost half of all physicians polled classified antibiotics incorrectly


In the course of a specialist event, almost half of all doctors questioned misclassified individual antibiotic drugs as „mild“ on. An unpublished study showed how inflationary and unnecessary antibiotics are still prescribed by doctors.

A flu infection or cold with cough and already many doctors give their patients „for safety“ supposed „mild antibiotics“. A dangerous result, especially as the bacterial resistance to antibiotics is steadily increasing and the negative effects on the body are massive. Although the data of a recent medical survey of the University Professor and Infection Medicine Florian Thalhammer of the Medical University of Vienna (Med-Uni) are not yet published, but they are already causing fierce debate. At a specialist event, the specialist asked about 300 doctors about five antibiotic groups. Physicians should specify which antibiotic agents to use „mild“ are to be classified. 49 percent of doctors present said at least one group that they supposedly „mild“ be. „That's wrong!“, Thalhammer contradicts the participants. „There are no mild antibiotics, and there are not, a bit 'antibiotics. But there is still no awareness of that. "

Antibiotics despite virus infection
An estimated 90 percent of acute bronchitis diseases are viral infections, the expert stresses. In contrast, however, three quarters of antibiotics are due to „Respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis used“. Doctors need to know that antibacterial drugs do not work against viruses, but only against bacterial strains. Thalhammer believes that at least one-third of antibiotic drugs are prescribed improperly by physicians. „There is a lack of consciousness“ the doctor.

Effects on the intestinal flora
Many doctors underestimate the undesirable effects of the drugs. Because antibiotics attack the human body massively. Also during the medical conference, the professor had asked about the side effects of antibiotic drugs. Although the intestinal flora „six, and according to some studies even twelve months influenced“, estimated „many colleagues this period but significantly shorter“. (See: antibiotics damage the intestinal flora) The reason for the frequent and incorrect use of the drugs, among other things, the now low price of many drugs is responsible. Therefore, Thalhammer proposes the introduction of a so-called "antibiotic tax". If the medicines become more expensive, the unnecessary use would also be reduced, says the university professor. At the Vienna Hospital (AKH), ​​the experiment was already successful. In the clinic, special funds are released only by a separate infection service. "This has dramatically reduced their commitment and cost."

Although numerous reports, studies and education campaigns are showing a turnaround, „but antibiotics are still given too quickly in respiratory infections, "said Prof. Dr. med. Karl Zwiauer, director of paediatrics at the St. Pölten State Hospital, explaining that this is often due to the self-conception of parents who demand higher levels of treatment on the supposed safety thinking of many doctors.

Better home remedies and natural remedies
For respiratory infections prior to the administration of antibiotics homeopathic or herbal remedies should be tried as a treatment option. "There is good scientific evidence that chicken soup, for example, can inhibit upper respiratory tract infections and relieve body aches," said the pediatrician. Natural remedies such as thyme and ivy have a scientifically proven antibacterial effect, show antiviral effects and at the same time relieve the cough. Again, there are studies that provide sufficient evidence of the effects. Home remedies such as potato wraps can also relieve patient pain and reduce inflammation. All these funds have a place, „which goes beyond pure actionism, "emphasizes pediatrician Zwiauer.

To alleviate the symptoms of dry cough, Coltsfoot is considered a highly valued medicinal plant. In the treatment, only the leaves are used for soothing teas, tinctures or juices. „In addition to the improvement in symptoms, the plant is said to have antibacterial effects. Only during pregnancy or breastfeeding should be dispensed with the use“, explained non-medical practitioner Susanne Habermann from Hannover.

Increased resistance to antibiotics
Antibiotics is considered by medical professionals as „All-purpose weapon against bacterial inflammation“. More and more often, however, bacteria are emerging that are resistant to all medicines. Although this resistance process is a natural process, it is strongly promoted by the often superfluous use of antibiotics. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated the number of deaths due to bacterial resistance in the European Union alone at around 25,000 a year. „The increased use of natural remedies is an argument in the fight against resistance“, says Habermann. (Sb)

Read about:
Doctors often prescribe unnecessary antibiotics
Alternatives to antibiotics from naturopathy

Picture: Gerd Altmann