It's all about this thing, which makes people really happy

It's all about this thing, which makes people really happy / Health News
Long-term studies: researchers find the recipe for happiness
Every human being strives to live a full life. But when it comes to the question of what that should look like, opinions differ. For some, prosperity and careers are high on the list, others for the family. Researchers who have been working on the topic for decades have discovered that it's all about one thing that really makes us people happy.

What makes happiness?
Being healthy and happy is at the top of the list for most people when it comes to what they expect from life. Both often go hand in hand. But what makes happiness? Often it is very simple circumstances or things that can contribute to it. So for some it is a successful holiday that makes you happy and healthy, for others chocolate is enough for luck. Researchers have been studying the question of what we humans really need for a fulfilling life for decades. Studies have found that this is all about one thing.

Researchers have found the recipe for happiness in a long-term study. Their research suggests that good relationships are what make us happy. (Image: Andrey Popov /

Recipe for happiness
In fact, one should think that there is no clear answer to what happiness means to man. After all, we all differ from each other. Some attach particular importance to health, others to a nice home or success at work.

But there actually seems to be a recipe for happiness. Researchers at Harvard University in the US concluded in their research that good relationships are what makes us happy.

A proband later became US President
For their study, the researchers analyzed, inter alia, the data from subjects from two scientific studies: from the "The Grant Study" with 268 Harvard graduates and the "The Glueck Study" with 456 men who grew up in Boston.

The observation of study participants has now been going on for over 75 years, some of them have already died, others are still in contact with the researchers.

There were test persons who became alcoholics over the decades, failed in the job, or developed mental illnesses. Others, in turn, became lawyers, doctors, business people and one even became US President: John F. Kennedy, reports the "New York Times".

Study produced remarkable findings
Over the years, the study has yielded many remarkable findings. For example, it turned out that the most important thing is to stop smoking in order to age well. The researchers also found that aging liberals have a longer and more active sex life than conservatives.

In addition, alcohol was the primary reason for divorce and alcohol abuse was often preceded by depression.

The study had different directors over time. The meanwhile fourth is Dr. Robert Waldinger. He expanded the investigation so that researchers have since focused not only on men, but also on their wives and children.

It turned out that it was above all relationships with friends and especially with spouses who have an influence on health and well-being.

Scientists also found similar findings in other studies. Researchers have reported that marriage can be happier and stress-resistant, and a happy partner is good for one's health.

Happier and healthier
Dr. Waldinger told Inc magazine: "The clearest message we get from the 75-year study is that good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Point"

In a lecture by dr. Waldinger, who can be seen on "Ted", he said, the emphasis is on good: "It's not about the number of friends or whether you are in a committed relationship. What matters is the quality of close relationships. "

You can see the quality of a relationship by how confident you feel in yourself, while sharing your innermost self with others. And also how vulnerable we are to how deep the relationship goes. And last but not least, whether we can relax in it and how we can be as we are; but also to appreciate the others as they are.

Do something for a good relationship
According to George Vaillant, who led the study from 1972 to 2004, two main points are important: "One is love. The other is to find a life path that does not displace love. "

You can do something for that as well. Waldinger, according to "New York Post" stated: "The possibilities are endless," he said.

"Just replace time on screen with people, or give life to a stale relationship by making something new, taking long walks, or going out in the evening."

In the magazine "Inc" he pointed out that living together can also be very stressful: "Relationships are chaotic and complicated." But: "A good life is based on good relationships." (Ad)