Nutrition In particular, young people should eat particularly ferrous

Nutrition In particular, young people should eat particularly ferrous / Health News
Ferrous foods are especially important for teens
Health experts point out that iron-containing foods are essential for the body. Especially teenagers need a lot of iron. This can not be emphasized enough, because many adolescents suffer from iron deficiency.

One of the most common deficiency symptoms
Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiency symptoms in this country. Our body can not produce this trace element itself. But by the inclusion of iron on a balanced, versatile diet, a deficiency can be prevented. Especially adolescents need a larger iron intake.

Ferrous foods are indispensable to our body. Especially young people need a lot of it. The trace element is contained in pulses such as lentils. (Image: kriangphoto31 /

Iron deficiency is manifested by various symptoms
An iron deficiency causes fatigue and other symptoms such as dizziness, loss of appetite and concentration disorders.

More specific are a striking facial pallor, brittle nails, hair loss and irritated, inflamed corners of the mouth.

In some cases, however, the deficiency syndrome causes no symptoms. It is generally recommended to go to the doctor urgently in case of iron deficiency.

In adolescents, the amount of blood increases
But better are preventive measures. An iron-rich diet provides protection against the deficiency.

This is especially important for Teeanger, because in adolescence the amount of blood increases. In addition, girls lose iron during menstruation.

Parents should therefore take care that their youthful offspring take enough of the trace element.

As the Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) explains, according to a news agency dpa, the body can best process animal iron.

Therefore, especially children who eat vegetarian, often deficiency symptoms.

Iron in plant foods
The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends on its website for boys between ten and 19 years, an iron intake of twelve milligrams per day and for girls who have their period, 15 milligrams daily. Otherwise, ten milligrams a day is enough for girls.

"Many plant foods can contribute significantly to the iron supply," writes the Vegetarian Federation (vebu) on its website.

Pumpkin seeds (12.5 milligrams), lentils (eight milligrams), or amaranth (nine milligrams) are said to have a high iron content of more than seven milligrams per 100 grams..

That raw spinach contains a lot of iron, is probably one of the most common nutritional errors. The vegetables have only an average content of 4.1 milligrams. (Ad)