Colds so you inhale effectively

Colds so you inhale effectively / Health News
Colds and Bronchitis: How to inhale properly
The wet and cold weather during the winter months causes many an infection. Medications are usually not necessary, as a rule, the symptoms can be alleviated naturally. Inhaling is one of the most common home remedies for colds. But it only helps if you know how it works.

Combat colds naturally
Colds are not uncommon in the cold season. For adults, two to four flu infections a year are completely normal. The intake of medication is usually not necessary. There are also plenty of time-tested home remedies for the treatment of colds available. One of them is inhaling. However, it should be done properly to work well.

Inhaling is one of the oldest home remedies for common cold. If you follow some tips, the effect can be even greater. (Image: Kzenon /

Ensure adequate fluid intake
If you have caught an infection, you should definitely spare yourself. It is also important to drink a lot. Through an increased fluid intake, the stubborn mucus dissolves better and the secretions in the nose are diluted.

Also cooking steam inhalations have expectorant, secretion promoting and anti-inflammatory. Especially with an acute sinusitis and respiratory infections such as runny nose, cough and bronchitis, they are recommended.

Chamomile tea instead of pure water
This home remedy for colds is very easy to apply. Hold your head over a bowl of boiling water and cover yourself and the steam bath with a large towel. The rising vapor is then inhaled for at least ten minutes.

Reinforcing the effect, by not only pure water vapor is inhaled. For example, you can heat three liters of hot chamomile tea with six tablespoons of ribwort juice. Chamomile works well against inflammation and runny nose.

Essential oils enhance the effect
As a home remedy for a stuffy nose, there are also essential oils from eucalyptus, mountain pine or spruce needles. These loosen tight secretions in the upper respiratory tract and also have a beneficial effect on inflamed paranasal sinuses.

Another option is to inhale with a saline solution. This supports the cleaning function of the mucous membrane. In the solution you can also give dried thyme or sage leaves.

A milder option is to simmer a twig of spruce, fir or mountain pine in a large pot of water on the stove at the lowest level, while the ethereal steam is distributed in the room and inhaled "casually".

Better to breathe in through the mouth or nose?
Colds are usually inhaled two to three times a day for at least ten minutes. If, above all, complaints in the nose, such as nasal irritation, should be relieved, inhale through the nose and be exhaled again.

However, those who use the steam bath for bronchitis, it is better to inhale through the mouth and exhale the nose, so that the mucus of the upper respiratory tract is not transported into the bronchi.

If dizziness occurs during inhalation, make sure to take a break and breathe slower when restarting.

Inhaler, ultrasonic nebulizer or nasal douche
In addition to the steam bath over a bowl, there are other ways to inhale. For example, some people rely on an inhaler that delivers up to 80 degrees warm water vapor through the mouth and nose to the upper respiratory tract. In this method, the eyes are not irritated by essential oils.

According to experts, however, the inhaler brings little if you want to solve the mucus of the lower respiratory tract. In this case, an ultrasonic or jet nebulizer is ideal. With this tiny droplets are produced, which moisten the bronchial tubes and transport the mucus upwards.

Last but not least, the nasal douche should also be mentioned here, which has clear advantages in the case of nasal mucous membrane inflammation, among other things. Thus, a few months ago, the results of a study were published, which showed that rinsing this patient can help better than inhale. (Ad)