Cold symptoms What really helps with cold, cough and co?

Cold symptoms What really helps with cold, cough and co? / Health News

Cough, runny nose, hoarseness: Effective home remedies for common cold

Due to the wet and cold weather of the past days, it is not surprising that many people have caught a cold. Cough, runny nose and hoarseness make life difficult for you. But some well-tried home remedies can help against the unpleasant cold symptoms.

Dried out respiratory tract

Especially now in the cold season, when the heating air dries out the respiratory system, viruses have easy play. It is therefore not surprising that many people with cold symptoms such as cough, runny nose, and hoarseness torment. If you have a flu infection, the "simple" cold caught, actually just waiting to rest and apply the right remedy for cold symptoms. Medication is usually not necessary here, well-tried home remedies are usually sufficient to cure.

Cold, cough and hoarseness are not uncommon in the cold season. Usually you can relieve the cold symptoms with simple home remedies. (Image: drubig-photo /

Take a lot of fluids

There is a lot that really helps with colds. It is especially important to drink a lot. Through an increased fluid intake, the stubborn mucus dissolves better and the secretions in the nose are diluted.

In addition, the body gets back through it more fluid that is lost through excessive sweating by the disease. Experts advise to warm water or herbal teas, such as thyme or sage tea.

Some also rely on warm beer and onion honey juice. According to some experts, the former is not recommended, because the alcohol is the weakened immune system claimed even more.

Useless is the additional intake of vitamin C for colds. According to scientific findings, such preparations have no influence on the symptoms and duration of the disease.

Ginger works wonders

A popular home remedy for colds is ginger tea. The miracle ginger ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the immune system.

In addition, the sharpness of this natural remedy irritates the mucous membranes and promotes blood circulation. This creates a cozy inner warmth.

Do not use nasal sprays too often

When the nose is blocked, some patients quickly resort to nasal sprays, but many experts believe that such sprays often do less than many simple home remedies for colds.

Some doctors even point out that nasal sprays favor a stuffy nose. Anyone who still uses them should not do this for too long, as otherwise a habituation effect will occur.

Cardiac patients should be extra careful because some sprays can affect blood pressure.

As an alternative, nasal rinses instead of nasal sprays offer. Or homemade nose drops.

Inhale under the towel

Also cooking steam inhalations can help. These have an expectorant, secretory and anti-inflammatory.

Especially with an acute sinusitis and respiratory infections such as runny nose, cough and bronchitis, they are recommended.

For such a facial steam bath, for example, you can mix three liters of hot chamomile tea with six tablespoons of ribwort juice and then inhale the steam under a towel for at least ten minutes.

Home remedies for sore throat and cough

As a home remedy for sore throat offer, for example, neck wrap, gargling with chamomile or sage tea or salt water.

In addition, from time to time a (sage) sweet should be sucked to moisten the neck.

As a home remedy for cough, inter alia, pads and wraps have proven.

The latter can also be effective as a home remedy for fever. And in the form of a calf wrap.

Healthy eating

In order for the body to regenerate quickly, a balanced and healthy diet is also important. On the menu especially foods with lots of vitamins, minerals and protein should not be neglected.

Chicken soup is one of the best home remedies.

Research at the University of Nebraska showed that this soup in the body blocks certain Wstrongse blood cells (Neutstrongphile), which are responsible for inflammatory processes.

Zinc and hot baths

Zink is also known as a helper against colds. The trace element protects the mucous membranes and makes the penetration of viruses difficult.

To counteract colds, hot baths can also help, for example with hay flowers.

Also a bath with spruce essence is recommended. Simply cut the needles and bring them to a boil in the water. Then they are allowed to draw a little, the liquid is nachstrongem straining distilled into the bath water. After 20 minutes of bath time it is best to go directly to bed.

Also in the fresh air

Since the mucous membranes dry out quickly with dry heating air and so viruses spread faster, it is advantageous to go for a cold even sometimes - but not if you have a fever.

It is also recommended to put a bowl of water on the heater and ventilate several times a day.

To quickly get rid of a cold, you should also give the body a lot of rest and relinquish any stress. (Ad)