Cold apothecary give tips on defense

Cold apothecary give tips on defense / Health News

To ward off a cold in the winter time


The cold season is just around the corner and with it the cold season. The Apothekerkammer Bremen now gives tips on how to get rid of colds as quickly as possible. Whether at work, in the circle of friends or in the family, cold viruses make the rounds of this season, and spread rapidly.

Many patients would therefore ask their doctor for antibiotics to quickly cope with the common cold. Antibiotics can not cure any colds, said Uta Ense board member of Apothekerkammer Bremen: "Antibiotics can only kill bacteria, but they do not work against viruses." And further: „The viruses that cause a cold or a flu, the person concerned can not really fight.“ She advises therefore „focus on treating the symptoms and supporting the body's defenses.“ In addition, she advises to rest.

Monopreparations for the treatment of symptoms
For the treatment of symptoms it recommends so-called mono-preparations, such as in the case of a nasal congested nasal spray with the active ingredients xylometalozin and dexpanthenol and sea salt solutions, but warns at the same time before prolonged use of these agents: „However, the spray should not be used for more than a week as the nasal mucosa may dry out and regress“, so the expert. For dry cough she recommends dextromethorphan for the night, but for the day she recommends treatment with natural remedies such as sage, ivy or thyme. at „productive“ When coughing, she recommends ambroxol and acetylcysteine.

Strengthening the immune system
In order not to get a cold as much as possible, she advises "to strengthen the immune system." This also helps to "get rid of a cold faster". The basis for this is a vitamin-rich diet. In addition, trace elements and minerals from the diet are important: "In order to supply the body optimally, broccoli, spinach, kale, tomatoes, carrots, beetroot and chicory are ideal," explains Ense. In addition, lemons, oranges, grapefruit, blueberries, dark grapes and bananas are good suppliers of the required substances. In addition, exercise helps to strengthen the body's defenses. For this purpose, e.g. Cycling and walking are considered. (Sb)