Cold at 30 degrees Celsius What helps with summer flu and how best to prevent it

Cold at 30 degrees Celsius What helps with summer flu and how best to prevent it / Health News

Infection in the warm season: what can help against the "summer flu"

Although colds and flu infections are generally associated with the cold season, it is possible to contract a viral infection even in summer. Experts explain what can be done against the so-called "summer flu".

In outdoor temperatures around 30 degrees in bed

It really is not pleasant when the sun is shining at 30 degrees and you do not have to spend the day outside on the sunbed or in the park, but indoors in bed, making life difficult for a cough and a cold. But if you have a so-called "summer flu" captured, it is not enough to spare the body. Experts explain what people can do best and how to reduce the risk of infection.

Even in the warm season you can catch a cold. Experts explain what helps against the "summer flu" and how to prevent it. (Image: Monkey Business /

Not to be confused with a real flu

Medically correct is the term "summer flu" not.

"In the vernacular, this means a flu infection that occurs in the summer months," explains Arndt Möllers, a specialist in otorhinolaryngology from Münster, in a message from the news agency dpa.

"However, this is not to be confused with a real flu, influenza," said the expert.

The symptoms of a flu infection are significantly milder than in influenza: "In a so-called summer flu, it often comes gradually to cough, earache, sore throat and a runny nose, which subsides after a few days," said Möllers in the agency report.

On the other hand, a real flu occurs quite suddenly and patients suddenly feel really ill with a high fever, fatigue, headaches and body aches.

Increased risk during air travel

However, the infection pathways of the diseases are the same. As Möllers explains, the summer flu spreads via a so-called droplet infection.

The risk of infection can be promoted inter alia by air conditioning systems such as in airplanes.

There is also the problem that many people are in a small space together and the air is very dry, resulting in poor circulation of mucous membranes.

Conscious and healthy lifestyle

The length of an infection in summer can vary. Prof. Erika Baum, President of the German Society for General Medicine and Family Medicine, explains in the dpa message: "Mostly you are fit after a week."

According to the doctor, the greatest danger is that of infecting other people shortly before the onset of the infection and in the first days when the symptoms are noticeable.

The expert advises a conscious and healthy lifestyle in order to prevent a contagion.

"Forgoing pleasure poisons such as smoking or high alcohol consumption, as well as sufficient sleep and successful stress management," says Baum.

Wet feet - especially when it is cooler - as well as drafts can also encourage the onset of an infection and should therefore be avoided.

Protect from infection

To prevent colds you should - whether in winter or summer - regularly and thoroughly wash your hands.

For good protection against infectious diseases, hand washing must be done properly and long enough. From the expert's point of view, 20 to 30 seconds are necessary to rinse off all pathogens.

Furthermore, places where many people are in a small space should be avoided as much as possible.

Anyone who takes the bus instead of the train and prefers to travel by bike, does a lot of good for his health anyway. Because the movement in the fresh air strengthens the immune system and thus prevents infections.

"When it comes to nutrition it is important to drink a lot," recommends Frank Herfurth from the board of the Association of Independent Alternative Practitioners, according to the agency.

In addition, you can strengthen the defenses by eating a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Protect and drink a lot

But sometimes all precautions do not help and you get infected. Then it is first and foremost, to spare and drink a lot.

It is - despite the heat - to ensure that the drinks do not come directly from the refrigerator or cooled with ice cubes.

Because: "The body must then bring the liquid in the stomach only to body temperature," Herfurth explained in the dpa message. "It consumes energy that is lost to the immune system." (Ad)