Increased ADHD and autism risk in children due to paracetamol in pregnancy

Increased ADHD and autism risk in children due to paracetamol in pregnancy / Health News
Taking Paracetamol in pregnancy carries risks for children
The risk of developing autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in their children increases when women frequently take painkillers during pregnancy. Spanish researchers have now found out that this is especially true for boys.

The use of painkillers during pregnancy can hardly be avoided, but it can also bring massive problems. Researchers from the Center for Research on Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL) have now discovered in their study that children (especially boys) are more likely to develop autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) if their mothers frequently take the analgesic acetaminophen during pregnancy. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "International Journal of Epidemiology".

The use of pain killers during pregnancy can pose risks for our children. A new study found that paracetamol in pregnancy can lead to autism in children. (Image: BestForYou /

Paracetamol increases the risk of autism in boys
The use of painkillers during pregnancy can have serious consequences for our children, warn the Spanish experts. Especially boys seem to be more prone to these negative effects. The results of the new study show that prenatal exposure to paracetamol in boys increases the risk of developing autism.

Androgenic disorders of the hormonal system
The male brain seems to be more susceptible to harmful influences during its early life, explain the scientists. The different results in different sexes suggest that the male brain is more sensitive to so-called androgenic endocrine disruption, according to lead author Claudia Avella-Garcia of the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL)..

Paracetamol increases the risk of ADHD in boys and girls
Increased intake of paracetamol in pregnancy, according to the researchers increased the risk of ADHD in children of both sexes. In particular, persistently exposed children showed inferior performance in their attention, impulsivity and the so-called visual speed processing, explain the doctors. Previous studies have already shown that paracetamol is a high risk factor for children's fertility during pregnancy, and other research has also shown that paracetamol is harmful to the unborn child. The new results seem to support this.

Birth cohort study examined 2,644 mother-child pairs
The researchers studied a birth cohort study 2,644 mother-child pairs since the beginning of pregnancy. They conclude that exposed children, at the age of five, are at a higher risk of developing symptoms of hyperactivity or impulsivity.

Paracetamol affects the cannabinoid receptors in the brain
Paracetamol may be harmful to the development of the nervous system for several reasons. First, it suppresses pain in the brain by affecting the cannabinoid receptors, the experts say. These receptors usually help to determine how nerve cells connect to each other or how they mature. Paracetamol can alter these and other important processes, warn physicians. Another study has also shown that acetaminophen reduces our sympathy, suggesting a lasting effect in the brain.

Paracetamol can affect the development of the immune system and have a toxic effect
Paracetamol can also affect the development of our immune system or even be directly toxic to some fetuses because they do not have the same capacity as adults to metabolize the drug, the doctors warn. It can also cause so-called oxidative stress, says Jordi Julvez of the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology. (As)