Elevated potassium levels lowers blood pressure

Elevated potassium levels lowers blood pressure / Health News

Lower blood pressure with potassium

Potassium in foods can lower the risk of stroke


A lack of potassium can be very dangerous for the body. This can cause serious cardiac arrhythmia if the organism gets too little potassium through nutrition. The German Stroke Assistance Foundation in Gütersloh has reported that potassium is able to reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke by lowering blood pressure.

Foods with potassium can lower blood pressure. For example, potassium is rich in bananas, wheat germ, soy, avocado, potatoes or spinach. Due to the advantageous potassium content, the foods are able to lower blood pressure and thus reduce hypertension, as experts of the Foundation German Stroke Help announced.

People with high blood pressure are at high risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack. However, those who consume about 3500 milligrams of potassium as an adult using food reduce the risk of stroke by a good 24 percent. „For example, 3500 milligrams of potassium equals 100 grams of dried apricots or 100 grams of soybeans. In case of kidney problems, however, should be discussed with the family doctor before, as additional potassium can be harmful.

Potassium is a very important minireal. It regulates blood pressure and heart rate along with magnesium. In addition, it is responsible for the excitability of the muscles and the transmission of impulses of the nerves. In case of a deficiency, symptoms such as heart stuttering or palpitations can occur. An overdose can also be harmful. Here are the first symptoms of a slow heartbeat, paralysis and lethargy. (Sb)

Picture: w.r.wagner