Fish oil supplements do not prevent heart disease in most people

Fish oil supplements do not prevent heart disease in most people / Health News
Experts studied the effects of fish oil supplements
For a long time, so-called omega-3 fish oil supplements have been associated with improved heart health. Researchers have now found that taking these supplements is not really preventive to heart disease in most people.

The scientists of the American Heart Association (AHA) found in their study that the intake of dietary supplements with fish oil does not protect against heart disease. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Circulation".

Some people take fish oil supplements to protect themselves from heart disease. Experts have now found in a review by various study that only certain people have benefits from consuming supplements with fish oil. (Image: tunedin /

Only in certain people, the intake of fish oil supplements makes sense
Only if patients have already been diagnosed with heart failure or have already had a heart attack, taking supplements with fish oil could lead to health benefits, the authors explain.

Many Americans take supplements with fish oil
A representative American survey of more than 2,000 people in 2015 found that about 21 percent of respondents take supplements with fish oil. The current study indicated that many of the consumers are not receiving any protective benefits from taking them, say the physicians.

Experts analyze data from 13 clinical trials
The bottom line of the study evaluation is that many people take the fish oil supplements for no good reason, the scientists explain. The evaluators of the American Heart Association analyzed data from 13 randomized clinical trials for their study. They sought to understand in more detail the potential role of fish oil supplementation in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular events, including strokes and heart attacks.

Risk patients are protected from death by heart disease through fish oil supplementation
In people without heart disease, there is no evidence that supplements with fish oil have any benefit for the prevention of heart attacks, strokes or heart failure. However, in people with a previous heart attack or heart failure, taking a daily dose of 1,000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil may reduce the risk of heart disease by about ten percent, the experts explain.

Fish oil with omega-3 can prevent arrhythmias
The omega-3 fats in fish oil can help reduce the risk of arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeats). These arrhythmias can lead to a sudden death and a lower triglyceride level, say the physicians.

Eat fatty fish more often
Ideally, people should try to eat a diet rich in fatty fish. Thus, sufferers receive enough omega-3 fatty acids, say the authors. Unfortunately, the data would show that most people do not. Experts in heart disease therefore agree that the best way to get the protective benefits of omega-3 is by eating fish. Eat more fatty fish instead of taking fish oil supplements, the authors suggest.

Which fish contain omega 3?
Salmon, sardines, mackerel and other fatty fish contain the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, mercury levels are low in these fish. Fish can generally have a protective effect because they are a source of protein that is low in saturated fat and rich in other nutrients, say the doctors.

Eat 100 grams of fish twice a week
The American Heart Association recommends that people eat about 100 grams of fish twice a week to keep their hearts healthy by consuming them. Anyone who wants to take supplements with fish oil, should first discuss the pros and cons with his doctor, the experts continue. (As)