Successful weight loss methods How useful are diets?

Successful weight loss methods How useful are diets? / Health News

Weight Loss: Losing weight can be with different diet forms

Anyone who has not gained weight after feasting during Advent, Christmas and New Year's Eve can truly be happy. For most of the Germans, the treats have provided extra pounds. To get rid of them, you should move enough and eat healthy. Different diets can help you lose weight.

Hüftgold by Christmas gluttony

In the Christmas time seduced cookies, mulled wine, roast and Co. again to the great gluttony. The treats have increased many people's hip gold. Losing weight is therefore very high on the list of good intentions among many Germans. If you want to lose extra pounds again, try one of the numerous diet forms. But beware: not all methods are healthy.

At the beginning of the year, many people are trying to reduce their weight. Some diets can help - in the short term. What is important, however, is a permanent change in diet with fewer calories. (Image: underdogstudios /

Not all methods of losing weight are healthy

Many people often rely on nutritional programs, such as low fat or low carbohydrates, to slim down faster.

It is also often recommended to consume a lot of protein.

Also some tricks, such as small plates can help you lose weight.

In contrast, low-fat diet products are usually not beneficial, they make weight loss difficult, as has been shown in studies.

And many popular diets are often unsuccessful, researchers said. In addition, some of these methods are not healthy.

Weight reduction without yo-yo effect

Experts repeatedly warn against wrong weight loss. In order to reduce body weight without a yo-yo effect, it is important to eat a balanced diet and exercise a lot.

Recommended is regular sports. The drives out the constant hunger, as shown in studies. In addition, by building muscle more pounds can be broken down, which is why professionals often advise special strength training.

When it comes to nutrition, it is basically about following a kind of permanent diet with fewer calories if you want to reduce your body weight and then keep it.

Intervall fast helps with fast weight loss

A possible entry into the long-term dietary change may be a conventional diet. Low carb and low fat are probably among the most common forms.

In the recent past, however, so-called interval fasting has become increasingly established. Sometimes the method is referred to as a 5: 2 diet, because it is eaten normal for five days and fasted for two days.

However, other rules are possible, such as the 16: 8 variant, so fast 16 hours and eat eight hours.

According to the advocates of this diet, the organism learns to rely on its own reserves through the built-in starvation phases, which reduces insulin levels and stimulates fat loss. The organism is relieved, metabolism and organs can regenerate.

Some experts, however, also criticize the Intervall fast. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) writes on their website: "The DGE does not consider this method to be useful in order to regulate the weight in the long term. A conversion to a health-promoting diet does not take place thereby. "

A classic: the cabbage soup diet

In contrast to Intervall fast, which has only recently found its way from the US to Germany, the cabbage soup diet is a true classic of all the weight loss methods.

The concept is simple: Kohl saturates and prevents food cravings. From the as digestible as low-calorie soup, the affected people should eat as much as they want, and thus prevent the intense hunger.

Although this form of diet is in many cases very successful in the short term, but in the long term, you often take it quickly afterwards again, complain experts who include this method even the most dangerous diet variants.

Also because the strong one-sided diet brings the risk of protein deficiency, which can lead to muscle loss.

The problem of getting back to fasting after a diet basically exists in all forms when you return to old dietary habits after you finish. Therefore, it is not enough to change his diet permanently. (Ad)