Successfully losing weight How these people hopefully defeated their obesity

Successfully losing weight How these people hopefully defeated their obesity / Health News

Success stories of former overweight - the power of the will

Two-thirds of men and half of women in Germany are overweight, writes the Robert Koch Institute. A quarter of all adults are even considered obese. As one of the causes of many ailments and many chronic diseases, overweight is increasingly becoming the focus of public health. There are numerous diets and weight loss tips as well as many myths and facts. If one looks at the success stories of former obese persons, it shows that a strong will in particular brings the desired success to many.

Briton George Sinclair weighed nearly 140 kilograms at the age of 25. Climbing stairs was a daily burden for him. Often he sat lonely at home and could not scratch even where he wanted, as his stomach was in his way. In January 2017, the man with obesity made the decision to lose weight. Instead of running into a gym, he puts on a gentle lifestyle. Bit by bit, he slowly changed the habits that made him fat. A successful concept with which he lost 55 kilos in 10 months.

The will to change unites many success stories of people who have overweighted them. (Image: Alena Ozerova /

With these measures he defeated his obesity

The young man from London was initially unable to play any sports due to his heavy weight. Therefore, he began to move more in everyday life. He went to work and shopping on foot. He deleted fatty and sugared foods from his grocery list. Instead, he relied on lean protein like white chicken. After the first successes in losing weight, he began to jog and went more often in the park or drove out into nature to go for a walk.

Sinning in moderation is allowed

"I know a lot of people who try to lose weight with a crash diet by eating only one carrot in the evening," the 25-year-old tells the magazine "Men's Health". That's nothing for him. His concept of success is to be measured. But even sin is allowed, in moderation. Sinclair, for example, loves to eat pizza. "Although I do not eat them that often, but when I do it now tastes even better," says the Brit.

Lifestyle instead of diet

His long-term concept led Sinclair to his goal. He lost 55 kilos in ten months. In retrospect, he reflects on the importance of the first steps. He used to read success stories about other people who made it, and thought that this only happens to other people. "But losing weight does not just happen this way: you have to do it and you have to change," sums up Sinclair.

I eat myself to death

Lobke Meulemeester also lives in England and has let go after the death of her mother. Over a long period of time, she fed on unhealthy foods such as butter toast, biscuits, chips, pizza, and cheese sticks. "I was out of control," the Briton told the magazine "Women's Health." In January 2015, she had reached her previous peak weight of 105 kilograms, more difficult than ever. She suffered from shortness of breath and back pain. "I'm 33 and I'm literally eating myself to death," she thought back when she decided to lose weight.

A pedometer brought the initial motivation

She too was not ready to go to the gym. She bought a pedometer instead. On the first day, she claims to have reached only 8,000 of the recommended 10,000 steps. Only then did she realize how idly she made her desk job. She began her walk during her lunch break, reaching 15,000 steps a day. After the first successes, she took a Zumba course a few months later and also changed her dietary habits. Fatty foods and high-sugar foods replaced them with plenty of protein, fruits and vegetables. She also gave in occasionally and ate treats like chocolate or biscuits, but only in small quantities.

I respect myself again

After a few months, the woman with obesity using this method had slimmed 30 kilograms and reached a weight of 74 kilos. "This is a lifestyle change, not a race," said Meulemeester. Now she could respect herself again. And her health has also improved dramatically. (Vb)