Recommended foreign travel health insurance already for under ten euros

Recommended foreign travel health insurance already for under ten euros / Health News
Protection on holiday: foreign health insurance in the test
Actually, a vacation should make you happy and healthy. Unfortunately, travel abroad sometimes causes illness. Tourists should therefore always remember to conclude a travel health insurance before departure. Good protection does not have to be expensive, as a test by Stiftung Warentest shows.

Do not sit on treatment costs abroad
Anyone planning their holiday abroad often gets an all-inclusive insurance package at the travel agency. However, experts advise against buying travel insurance as a package, but separate from it. Above all, a foreign health insurance is important. It protects against having to stay on treatment costs in case of illness or accident abroad. In the current issue (4/2017), the magazine "Finanztest" tested a total of 88 travel health insurance companies. Almost every second tariff received a "very good" quality rating.

Who spends his vacation abroad should take out a health insurance. Very good protection is already available for ten euros a year. (Image: nadezhda1906 /

Why a foreign health insurance is so important
A doctor's visit abroad can be very expensive, because the statutory health insurance does not cover all costs. It pays only for outpatient and inpatient treatment within the EU and in countries with which a social security agreement exists.

When traveling outside Europe, the coffers do not even come up. Also a return transport must be paid by law insured ones, no matter from where this takes place

Private insurance must also be careful, as not every contract covers all sickness or repatriation costs that may be incurred on a trip. With an additional health insurance tourists are therefore well advised.

Stiftung Warentest has taken a close look at 39 family tariffs and 49 individual contracts in the current issue of its magazine "Finanztest". 39 offers received the grade "very good".

Very good protection for ten euros a year
As the experts report on their website, there are already around eight euros annual premium very good rates.

According to Stiftung Warentest, there is already very good protection for individuals for 9.90 euros per year. For families, it is 19.80 euros a year. These contributions demand the test winners DKV (ReiseMed Tarif RD) and Ergo Direkt (Tarif RD).

This means that any number of vacation trips per year are insured for a period of six to eight weeks each. However, longer trips require long-term insurance.

According to the testers, insurers are doing a lot to be able to offer their customers better tariffs with extensive services. In the meantime, almost all providers in the test waive a deductible in the event of damage.

In addition, more and more insurers are taking care of medically expedient repatriation, for example, as soon as home treatment promises better prospects for recovery.

Seniors usually pay much more
Nevertheless, there are even worse tariffs: In some insurance, the cost of a return transport will be refunded only if a treatment in the country would be impossible or too expensive.

Stiftung Warentest also points out that insured persons with pre-existing conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease or diabetes need to arrange their own health insurance before traveling.

Because for disease relapses, which are due to a previous illness, the foreign travel health insurance usually does not pay. Even those who are already ill on vacation risk their insurance coverage.

The experts also advise insured persons to check "whether a new contract protects better and may even be cheaper". Especially "for seniors, a change is worthwhile in most cases".

Because for them, the insurance is often immensely expensive when they have reached a certain age - in part, they pay more than eight times the standard rate. Only one insurer in the test does not increase the contributions. (Ad)