Electronic capsule moves through the intestine and measures digestive gases

Electronic capsule moves through the intestine and measures digestive gases / Health News

Small measuring device traverses the intestine and sends data outside

Researchers in Melbourne have developed a capsule that travels through the intestinal tract after swallowing, measuring the concentration of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. During this odyssey, the small gauge sends data to the outside world. The electronic capsule has been successfully tested on humans and has delivered amazing results. Researchers have uncovered mechanisms in the human body that have never been seen before, including a potentially new immune system.

One of the new findings of clinical testing of the capsule on five volunteers is that the stomach apparently produces oxygen. The scientists saw this process as a natural protective function of the stomach, since the oxygen can attack foreign bodies through oxidation. The 2.6-inch capsule was developed by the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. The research results were recently published in the journal "Nature Electronics". The research director Kalantar-Zadeh sees in the capsule a new method to determine the activity of intestinal bacteria.

Researchers developed an electronic capsule that travels through the intestine and sends measurements of digestive gases in real time. (Image: Sebastian Duda / fotolia.com)

Further findings of the small probe

"We found that the stomach releases oxidizing chemicals to break down and combat foreign components that stay in the stomach longer," explains Kalantar-zadeh in a press release from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. In the large intestine, the researchers were also able to detect oxygen, if the subject previously fed with fiber-poor diet. However, this disappeared as soon as the bacteria began to ferment fiber. Consequently, the hydrogen and carbon dioxide concentration increased significantly. The researchers were able to observe that the intestinal bacteria adapt relatively quickly to a changed diet. A change in the intake of food also led to a significant change in gas production. In a phase 2 study, the diagnostic possibilities are now to be further investigated.

The development of capsule endoscopy

Capsule endoscopy has gained in importance in recent years and has become established as an important diagnostic tool. In addition to video capsules, there are now also capsules that measure the pH, temperature or pressure. Capsule endoscopy is the only non-invasive way to view the entire small intestine from the inside. The introduction of capsule endoscopy in Germany in 2001 allowed a precise, improved diagnosis of many small bowel diseases. The new capsule from Melbourne could expand this type of diagnostics in the future. "The new information could help us better understand how diseases, such as colon cancer, occur," says Kalantar-Zadeh.

One in five could benefit

One in five people worldwide develop a gastrointestinal disorder in their lifetime. The new technology and its potential discoveries have the potential to bring about a groundbreaking change in diagnostics in this area. They could also lead to less invasive procedures such as colonoscopy. "We got involved Planet Innovation teamed up to a company called Atmo Biosciences and launch the product on the market, "says Kalantar-Zadeh. (Fp)