Electronic health card

Electronic health card /
The check card-sized electronic health card is the updated form of the health insurance card. It was extended with a chip card and a photo of the insured. On the chip card, in addition to the administrative data of the owner, data about any existing diseases and medication plans are to be saved, which can save lives in an emergency. The aim of the electronic health card is to improve the quality of medical care and provide patients with more protection through more accessible documentation of disease outcomes and more security against card misuse.

In addition, the electronic health card should reduce bureaucracy. This applies throughout Europe, as the back of the electronic health card can be used as a "European Health Insurance Card". In the first step of the introduction, only basic key data of the insured are stored. However, it is planned that information on medical reports, vaccination records, patient records, organ donation data, living wills, laboratory findings, blood types, disease progression and possible allergies will also be stored on the electronic health card. The stored data should, however, be voluntary. Without the consent of the insured, no data will be stored on the card. (Vb)

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(Photo 1: Stock Photos-MG / fotolia.com)