Self-therapy of diseases Self-medication carries risks

Self-therapy of diseases Self-medication carries risks / Health News
Self-medication for complaints: Experts warn against frivolous self-treatment
Especially in supposedly harmless diseases such as a cold, many people quickly resort to medication. Health experts, however, warn against too careless self-treatment. Self-medication without medical advice can be dangerous for the patients.

In autumn, fast access to the medicine cabinet
Although many people trust that the right remedies for common cold are natural home remedies such as sage, honey or sweat cures, quite a few will approach the coming autumn with its wet and cold weather for complaints such as coughing or headaches to medications - and without asking a physician , Studies show that women are far ahead in self-medication. Health risks through self-treatment threaten both sexes alike.

Millions of Germans access allegedly harmless symptoms such as headaches to over-the-counter medicines. But this self-medication can be dangerous for patients, warn health experts. (Image: benjaminnolte /

Frequent use of over-the-counter painkillers
According to a representative Forsa survey commissioned by the AOK Baden-Württemberg, 21 percent of Baden-Wuerttembergers use over-the-counter analgesics at least once a month - three percent even at least once a week.

"OTC painkillers can lead to serious side effects," writes the health insurance company in a statement.

The most common health risks associated with analgesics are mucosal inflammation, ulcers or bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, such drugs could increase the heart attack risk significantly, as researchers found in a study.

Experts warn against careless self-treatment
Health experts warn against careless self-treatment. Josef Kammermeier, Vice Chairman of the Bavarian Pharmacists' Association (BAV), told the German Press Agency:

"Self-medication without advice or a blind order in other distribution channels can be dangerous."

According to him, pharmacists would play a role as "filters". "We separate supposed miracle remedies and quackery from responsible drug use."

Headaches are a domain of self-medication
At the German Pain Congress, which will start on October 11th in Mannheim, the participants will also deal with topics such as self-medication - the self-treatment of complaints.

"Headaches are unfortunately still a domain of self-medication," said the President of the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG), Privatdozentin Dr. med. med. Stefanie Förderreuther from the Klinikum Innenstadt of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, in a communication of the Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft.

As it says, most people rely on home remedies for headaches or over-the-counter painkillers from the pharmacy. A total of ten percent stated in a survey by the DMKG to turn to a naturopath for headaches.

The results of the survey will be presented at the press conference on the German Pain Congress 2017.

"I wish that the message from the congress is that one can treat pain well," Dr. Förderreuther loud dpa.

It is dangerous when pain threatens to become chronic. "At least then you should get help. Pain changes the nature of man and has an impact on family and career, "said the senior physician.

Good business for pharmaceutical companies
According to estimates, every German spends around 50 euros a year on self-medication. Of course, the pharmaceutical companies have long since recognized the trend towards self-sufficiency for complaints such as runny nose, coughing and hoarseness.

The business with over-the-counter, pain-relieving drugs is booming. Also medics contribute to it. Last year, the ABDA - Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations reported that doctors in Germany prescribed around 20 million over-the-counter medicines for children alone.

According to Kammermeier of the Bavarian Pharmacists Association, from the point of view of health insurances it could be quite attractive to transfer more tasks to pharmacists.

"The importance of self-medication has increased since most over-the-counter medicines from the pharmacy are no longer reimbursed by the health insurance companies, but have to be paid by the patients themselves," according to the expert.

However, without prescription meant harmless. "Painkillers, like any other effective drug, can also have side effects and complications," Dr. med. Jan Paulus, doctor at the AOK Baden-Württemberg.

"To avoid unwanted effects, it is important to pay attention to the right application. This is especially true for people who have certain pre-existing conditions or who use painkillers more often. "

Treat pain naturally
At the congress in Mannheim, the experts will deal in particular with the widespread disease headache.

"Many shear all types of these complaints over a comb, but tension-type headache is something completely different than migraine," Förderreuther told the German Press Agency.

For frequent headaches sufferers urgently need to see a doctor. "That prevents the pain from becoming chronic. There are also good ways of prevention. Overall, this can significantly improve the quality of life. "

However, medications are not the only treatment option. Congress President Professor dr. med. Matthias Keidel, chief physician at the campus Bad Neustadt / Saale, pointed out in the communication on non-drug therapies:

"Relaxation techniques such as Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation, endurance sports and various types of biofeedback, as well as cognitive-behavioral therapy, can help control headaches."

Also BAV vice-champion Kammermeier explained in the dpa message that you do not always have to resort to medication for headaches: "Here can also exercise, a cold washcloth, liquid, a pressure massage or peppermint oil help." (Ad)