Independent occupation of the osteopath demanded

Independent occupation of the osteopath demanded / Health News

50,000 signatures for osteopathy


Osteopathy is one of the treatment methods that has gained considerable importance in recent decades. In many cases, the benefits are now also taken over by the statutory health insurance, but in this country so far lacking a clear definition of osteopathy as an independent profession. The Verband der Osteopathen Deutschland e.V. (VOD) has therefore collected tens of thousands of signatures for the independent profession of osteopath.

Overall, around 50,000 people signed the signature list for the independent profession of osteopath, reported the VOD chairman Prof. Marina Fuhrmann, at the 16th International Osteopathic Congress in Bamberg in front of about 250 participants and speakers. In just three months tens of thousands of supporters would have joined the demands of the VOD and participated in the signature campaign. Prominent supporters in the press release of the VOD include Hessian Prime Minister Volker Bouffier, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Adam Opel AG Hans-Wilhelm Gäb, European Champion and Olympic Tennis Pianofin Timo Boll, Beach Volleyball Olympic Champion Julius Brink and the Hammerwurf World record holder Betty Heidler called. „We are proud of this interim result and will continue to collect“, stressed carter. Both the chairman of the VOD and the other signatories have shown their astonishment that the training and practice of osteopathy in Germany is still not regulated by law.

Regulation of the profession of osteopathy in terms of patient safety required
At the Osteopathy Congress, the patron Melanie Huml, State Secretary of the Bavarian Minister of Health, and the health policy spokeswoman of the parliamentary group of Alliance 90 / The Greens, Elisabeth Scharfenberg (MdB), addressed the speakers and participants, who had traveled from 15 nations , The VOD chairman emphasized that there was a consensus that osteopathy should finally be regulated as a profession, similar to other European countries, and above all patient safety had to be ensured. The signing action will give expression to this demand.

Comprehensive information about osteopathy
According to the VOD, the focal points of the three-day osteopathic congress were the so-called salutogenesis (teaching of health) as well as perception, palpation and diagnostics. Interested parties were able to obtain comprehensive information about osteopathy at a booth of the VOD, which was set up to accompany the congress in the center of Bamberg. Representatives of recognized osteopathy training centers also answered the questions of the population.

Latest research results from the field of osteopathy presented
According to the information provided by the VOD „One of the congress highlights is the International Symposium under the direction of the Academy of Osteopathy with the presentation of the latest research results from Great Britain, France, Russia and Germany“ such as „Lectures by high-ranking scientists, among others from fascia research.“ According to VOD, fasciae are the thin connective tissue envelopes that surround every structure of the body and connect everything together. How these fasciae are under the skin, the French doctor and hand surgeon, Dr. med. Jean Claude Guimberteau, in the context of the congress on the basis of impressing videos, so further the announcement of the VOD. (Fp)