E-cigarette health hazard should not be underestimated

E-cigarette health hazard should not be underestimated / Health News

E-cigarette: The risk to health should not be underestimated


The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) warns in view of the increasing popularity of the e-cigarette before its consumption. In addition to ingredients such as ethanol, glycerin and flavorings, the vapor of electric cigarettes contains propylene glycol, which has a strong respiratory irritation. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also detected so-called nitrosamines in some e-cigarettes, which are carcinogenic.

Federal Center for Health Education advises against consumption
Director of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) Prof. Dr. med. Elisabeth Pott explains: „The consumption of e-cigarettes is associated with health risks, because the cartridges used often contain in addition to the narcotic nicotine other harmful substances. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume the e-cigarette.“

In addition, the propylene glycol contained in the vapor of e-cigarettes may cause short-term acute respiratory tract irritation. The long-term consequences of regular consumption have not yet been investigated. Equally unexplored in terms of health hazards is the vapor that enters the indoor air when smoking. Ingredients in the fluids are under-declared, leaving consumers unclear about a potential health risk.

The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) warns against e-cigarettes. Martina Pötschke-Langer from DKFZ explains: „E-cigarettes are not a safe alternative. "The expert also reports that „the e-cigarette market totally confusing“ and the composition of the fluids of nicotine, glycerine, propylene glycol and many flavorings is not very transparent to the consumer.

Proponents of the e-cigarette fight back
But there are advocates of the e-cigarette despite the risks mentioned. The initiative „steamer sky“ recently published an open letter to the press and to Dr. Ing. Pötschke-Langer and NRW Minister Steffens is addressed. In it, among other things, the statement by Minister Steffens criticized that there is currently no scientific evidence that the resulting steam for people who are in the same room as users of the e-cigarette, harmless. The initiative „steamer sky“ cites as counter-argument a quote from the Federal Office for Risk Assessment: „Significant contamination of indoor air with pollutants is not expected when using electronic cigarettes that nebulize nicotine-containing solutions.“ It remains to be seen what results current and future studies on the topic „E cigarette“ deliver. Whether e-cigarette or conventional glow sticks - the most harmless for the health remains the non-smoking. (Ag)

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Electric cigarette is health risky
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Electric cigarette with carcinogenic substances
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Image: Viktor Mildenberger