Remove fat rolls through sports? Study shows more body fat through sports

Remove fat rolls through sports? Study shows more body fat through sports / Health News
Can help regular exercise while losing weight?
Sport is always good. But many fail, because despite many training sessions, the pounds do not want to tumble. Scientists at the Arizona State University in Phoenix have therefore explored the question of how obese people can actually benefit from regular sports units. The result will unsettle many: Some subjects have even gained additional body fat despite their sport.

Regular exercise and multiple sports a week are rated by most weight lossers as a good approach towards less body fat. They torture themselves in the gym, go jogging and work out at home. But in case of doubt, the body fat percentage is higher than before the start of training, so the surprising result of the research team to Glenn Gaesser from the School of Nutrition & Health Promotion at Arizona State University. Their study was published in the journal "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research".

Weight gain through sports? (Image:

Build up body fat after 12 weeks of training
In the study, the researchers ran a 12-week training program for 81 overweight women who had previously done no physical activity. A change in diet was not planned. In the run-up to the program, the participants went through a health check, which also determined their body mass index and body fat percentage. In addition, the scientists determined the physical performance of the subjects. Three times a week, the women have each trained for 30 minutes on the treadmill.

In the twelve training weeks, the physical performance of all participants has improved, according to the scientists. However, for many women this was not accompanied by a reduction, but a build-up of body fat. "About 70 percent of women had at least built up some fat during the program," said Arizona State University. Only through sport can therefore achieve no reliable weight loss.

Sport looks different individually
The authors of the study conclude that sport individually has a very different effect. This was also reflected, for example, in the fact that women who had lost their weight after four weeks of exercise had tended to lose weight. The researchers assume that the women who were gaining weight probably went back and eaten their exercise alongside the exercise program. Study director Gaesser explains that, given the study's findings, people who start exercising to lose weight should put themselves on the scale for control at the latest after one month. "If your weight remains stubbornly stable or has increased, you should review your diet and other activities," explains Gaesser.

The diet must be considered when losing weight
The study clearly shows that sports can only help to a limited extent if the diet is completely faded out. If the body is fed more calories than it burns during exercise, weight gain is expected. For example, a runner weighing about 70 kilograms burns only about 350 kilocalories while jogging in half an hour, which is roughly equivalent to the amount of a chocolate bar, warns the sports scientist of the Institute of Sports Medicine at the Nuremberg Clinic, Michael Tuttor. Because "the combustion effect of sport is often overestimated". "If you want to lose weight permanently, you have to make several adjustments - including nutrition," Tuttor continues.

Improved performance through sports
In spite of a possible increase in weight, sport is generally recommended in view of the improved physical performance that was found in all subjects, both overweight and normal weight. The sports scientist Tuttor also comes to this conclusion and explains that "the women in the study have certainly done something good for their body and their cardiovascular system". (sb, fp)