Heartburn can cause asthma

Heartburn can cause asthma / Health News

Constant heartburn can cause asthma.

(26.06.2010) People who suffer from severe heartburn or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) have a very high risk of developing the lung disease bronchial asthma. However, the risk can be reduced as patients change their lifestyle and lifestyle. Over 50 percent of asthmatics suffer from a reflux disease.

Heartburn is characterized by burning in the abdomen, esophagus and neck. Other symptoms include dysphagia, hoarseness and chronic increased eructation. Heartburn is favored by fatty foods, spicy spices, overeating and citrus fruits.

Avoid coffee, hot spices, smoking and late evening meals.
However, the sequelae asthma can be prevented, as explained by the head of the Pulmonary Clinic Kloster Grafschaft in North Rhine-Westphalia Schmallenberg, Prof. Dieter Köhler. "Heartburn is usually favored by poor diet, lack of exercise and overweight". Changing patients' lifestyles can reduce heartburn and eliminate the risk of bronchial asthma. "That means eating smaller meals and not too late - that is, several hours before going to bed - eating, obese people should reduce their weight, do sports or at least move regularly." Also better avoid coffee and alcohol, especially as both stimulants also relax the gatekeeper's muscles which promotes reflux disease, "explains Köhler.

Heartburn can promote an asthmatic disease.
Over 50 percent of asthma sufferers are affected by a reflux disease. "We now know that heartburn can actually drive the development of an asthmatic disease," explains Köhler. When refluxing the porter's muscle is relaxed. As a result, the penetration of gastric acid during rupture unhindered rise in the trachea. The tiniest drops of stomach acid are inhaled when burping. This in turn leads to certain changes in the immune system that are typical of bronchial asthma. "After chronic inhalation of stomach acid, the immune system can then demonstrably derail so much that the risk for the development of bronchial asthma increases considerably," warns Prof. Köhler.

Naturopathy can relieve heartburn.
Naturopathy can relieve heartburn. Tea blends, for example. made from calamus root (20g), yarrow (20g) and peppermint (10g), etc. Stimulates the stomach muscles and accelerates gastric emptying. Soothing and soothing effects are also infusions of chamomile flowers and juniper berries. The latter should not be used for treatment during pregnancy. Healing soil is stirred in water or as a capsule reduces the amount of acid. (Sb)

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Stephanie Hofschlaeger, Pixelio.de.