Turning dizziness after eating? It could be a meat allergy!

Some people after vigorous eating show severe dizziness, rashes, shortness of breath and other physical reactions. The cause can be a meat allergy in these cases. In a recent report, the University Hospital of Freiburg reports on a patient who, after extensive investigations, finally succeeded in proving that the consumption of red meat caused his violent allergic reactions.
The patient was due to symptoms such as occasional internal restlessness, rash and shortness of breath and severe dizziness of twice even led to fainting in the outpatient department of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology of the University Hospital Freiburg, reports the University Hospital. The patient suspected allergy to food additives, but the tests remained negative. In the subsequent investigations, it was possible to prove that a sugar called alpha-galactosidase, which is also found in meat, leads to severe allergic reactions in the man. According to their own statements, the Freiburg physicians were able to clearly diagnose a meat allergy in the patient with a new test.

Suspected allergy initially not confirmed
Examinations for allergy to food additives or certain foods showed a negative result in the patient. In addition, according to Dr. Sabine Müller, functional physician at the Department of Dermatology and Venereology and acting director of the Allergy Outpatient Clinic in Freiburg, the "reactions only a few hours after a meal on," which is "unusual for an allergic reaction." Nevertheless, the doctors had further investigated the suspicion and the patient had kept a food diary to identify possible critical foods. "He even notes the prescriptions in detail," says the University Hospital.
According to the records, it became clear that the symptoms usually arose after eating meat or sausages, often combined with alcohol or physical exertion. Based on the recipes, all the ingredients were tested by the doctors for their effect on the man, with no positive result. However, a meat allergy had not been reliably detected at this time and the usual allergy tests using a meat solution remained negative, according to the Uniklinik.
Special sugar cause of allergic reaction
Nevertheless, there was still a suspicion of an allergy, not least because "allergic reactions in some cases occur only in the interaction of allergens and stress situations". Sabine Müller. The combination of meat and sport as the cause of the complaints therefore seemed obvious in the present case. Also, in the last ten years, according to the University Hospital's "reports of allergic reactions to red meat, such as pigs and cattle," heaped. However, the researchers had come to the right track only because at the same time as the patient in Freiburg, a group of cancer patients had an allergic reaction to a new drug. Subsequent investigations revealed that only those individuals were affected who had previously been bitten by a tick. The researchers attributed this to the sugar called alpha-galactosidase, which is released by ticks when they bite their saliva into our bodies.
Antibodies detected by blood test
The identified sugar was, according to the University of Freiburg, not only in the cancer drug, but also occurs on mammalian meat. With a specially developed blood test antibodies against the sugar were finally detectable. "The new test came just in time for our patient. This allowed us to clearly diagnose a meat allergy with him, "emphasizes Dr. med. Miller. Although the patient could not remember a tick bite, but "tick bites are often not noticed, if they do not cause skin redness," the statement of the doctor.
Provocation test confirms the diagnosis
In the further course, the patient has undergone a provocation test and consumed under supervision a specially prepared piece of beef and then trained a lap on the bicycle ergometer. According to the doctors without reaction. Likewise, the consumption of pork with simultaneous exposure remained without consequences. In a third test, the patient received fried pork kidney, as offal is particularly rich in suspect sugars, the University Hospital reports. This actually had the result that the man collapsed shortly after consumption and the doctors present had to inject antihistamines, cortisone and adrenaline for the allergic shock. This was the diagnosis.
Dietary change advised
By changing the diet, the symptoms of meat allergy can easily be avoided, "the good news for patients with meat allergy is that they can safely eat poultry and fish" Miller. The bad news is, "that you can not be desensitized at the moment." In addition, sufferers must avoid next mammalian meat and gelatin and some drugs in which the sugar occurs, explains the expert. A detailed consultation with the attending physician is therefore very important. The patient in Freiburg, the consistent conversion of nutrition helped a lot and he has remained seizure-free until today, so the announcement of the University Hospital. (Fp)