Drastic increase in cancers expected

German Cancer Aid: Cancers are expected to increase by one third by 2030
A drastic increase in cancer expects the German Cancer Aid. Cancer aid is expected to increase by one third by 2030. Currently, around 436,000 people a year contract cancer in Germany. By the year 2030, the president of the German Cancer Aid, Harald zur Hausen, expects 580,000 new cancers a year. Hausen told the newspaper "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung": "We have to expect that 580,000 new cases of cancer will occur annually by 2030 - almost a third more than now.".
In this context, Harald zur Hausen again drew attention to cancer prevention measures. About two-thirds of the cancers were due to the western lifestyle. As everybody knows, one can prevent cancer by not smoking, low alcohol, healthy food and active movement. You should also protect yourself from too much sun exposure and from viral diseases such as hepatitis B and HPV infections. In the end, cancer can not be ruled out despite all preventive measures. The German Cancer Aid e.V. calls for comprehensive information on preventive medical check-ups and to make use of corresponding offers. (sb, 26.02.2010)
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