Drastic increase of dementia patients expected

Recent studies show a significant increase in dementia patients
Forgetfulness, problems with thinking, disorientation: In Germany more than one million people live with dementia. According to recent studies, a drastic increase in dementia patients is expected.
Development is called „dramatic“ estimated
The health insurance DAK health points to an expected dramatic increase in dementia patients and refers to recent studies of the Berlin Institute for Population and Development. This development is considered by the DAK „dramatic“ It is therefore intended to inform about new care insurance benefits that have been in place since January of this year. „For the care of those affected and the relief of their relatives, the amendment of the law represents an important step forward, "said a DAK spokesman.
Far more dementia patients in 2025
By 2025 there will be far more people with dementia than in the year 2008. For example, in the Pinneberg district an increase of 42 percent from 4,870 to around 6,900 people with dementia is expected. In Bavarian Günzburg is expected to increase by 48 percent, in the district of Wesel in North Rhine-Westphalia by 47 percent, from 7,430 to around 10,880 people with dementia. In Bochum, the forecast is about lower, where it is expected from an increase of 26 percent.
Increased care services
Since the beginning of the year, people with dementia can also take out nursing care benefits after completion of the assessment, even without a nursing degree. And for patients in care levels I to II, the care benefits increase if the opinion of the medical service of the health insurance (MDK) shows a significant general need for care, by the so-called „daily living“ is significantly reduced. The increased benefits should provide the opportunity to improve home care for those people. For example, in care level I, the care allowance increases by 70 euros. Those in need could also decide in the future whether they would choose the known benefits in kind or buy a time quota for the provision of care. For this an agreement between service providers and care funds must be concluded.
Doubling by the year 2050
Currently, about 1.3 million people suffer from dementia nationwide. Dementia is a brain disorder that affects short-term memory, thinking, language and motor skills. The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth goes on its advisory page „Signpost dementia“ from an increase in the number of dementia patients to three million by the year 2050. It mainly affects people over the age of 65 years. Demographic change is seen as the driving force behind the increase in dementia. (Ad)
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Picture credits: Helene Souza