Diploma Naturopathic practitioner introduced in Switzerland

Diploma Naturopathic practitioner introduced in Switzerland / Health News
Switzerland: Federal naturopathic practitioner is now a reality
The Naturopath with eidg. Diploma now recognized in Switzerland and introduced nationwide. The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) of Switzerland has approved the so-called "Higher Technical Examination for Natural Healing Practitioners and Naturopaths".

Certified naturopathic naturopath in Switzerland. (Photo: photophonie / Fotolia)

In Switzerland, approx. 2500 naturopathic naturopaths work in all cantons. The new federal diploma guarantees a uniform level and a high quality of treatment. Already successful in the four disciplines Practitioners receive the opportunity to gain direct access to the higher subject examination during a seven-year transitional period.

The profession "naturopathic with eidg. Diploma "includes four specific disciplines: Ayurvedic Medicine, Homeopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM and Traditional European Naturopathy TEN.

With the recognition of the profession, Switzerland has fulfilled one of the core requirements of the constitutional article 118a Complementary Medicine, namely the creation of national diplomas for the non-medical professions of complementary medicine for a first professional group. (Pm)