
dioxin /
The term dioxin colloquially summarizes a group of chemically similar chlorine-containing dioxins and furans. According to the Federal Environment Agency, 75 polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs) and 135 polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are covered by this term. They are unwanted byproducts that are produced in certain combustion processes of chlorine and organic carbon. Dioxin forms at over 300 degrees Celsius and is destroyed at 900 degrees Celsius and higher. In forest fires or volcanic eruptions, dioxins can naturally occur.

In food production, dioxin contamination may occur when chemical production processes are used or in animal husbandry soils or feed are contaminated with dioxin. In the past, there have been more frequent instances of loaded eggs because the chickens were kept on dioxin-contaminated soils. In humans, dioxins can be stored in body fat and accumulate there. High amounts can lead to symptoms of intoxication. Skin damage (chloracne), disorders of the immune system, nervous system, hormone balance, reproductive functions and enzyme systems can be the result of acute dioxin intoxication. In the long term, many dioxins also increase the risk of cancer. (Vb)

Dioxin eggs: organic farm threatens the off

In April, dioxin-like PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) in the eggs of two conventional laying hens farms and a bio-farm in the county of Aur ...
More Aurich: Dioxin in eggs from ground husbandry

Renewed proof of dioxin eggs in the district of Aurich09.08.2012After last week in Freilandeiern a farm from the district of Aurich Diox increased ...
More Dioxin in eggs from Lower Saxony

Authorities warn of dioxin in free-range eggs from Niedersachsen03 / 08 / 2012Also in the free-range eggs of a Niedersächsische laying hens farm ...
More wild eels burdened with dioxin and PCB

NRW health authorities warn against the consumption of self-caught eels from lakes in North Rhine-Westphalia. These could contain dioxins and sustain the ...
More dioxin and PCB discovered in organic eggs

Dioxin eggs discovered in Central Hesse09.07.2012The limit value of dioxin and PCB in organic eggs has been exceeded during a routine inspection.
More proven source of PCB & dioxin contamination

Ministry of Agriculture informs about PCB06.07.2012In recent months, Lower Saxony's PCBs and dioxin-contaminated eggs have been released in three districts.
More dioxin and PCB in breakfast egg again

Recall for dioxin-contaminated eggs from the Emsland20.06.2012Dioxin-contaminated eggs are re-marketed. In Lower Saxony, a laying hens was ...
More dioxin & PCB in chicken eggs due to polluted soil

Polluted soil Cause of dioxin and PCB in hen's eggs 11.06.2012Dioxin and PCB contamination in chicken eggs of an operation from the munici ...
More PCB concentration in eggs is a mystery to the authorities

Authorities puzzle over eggs' exposure to dioxins and PCBs25.05.2012The discovery of dioxin and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the eggs of a ...
More recall due to dioxin in the breakfast egg

Dioxin-contaminated eggs are recalled23 / 05 / 2012Along again, eggs with a high dioxin exposure reach the market. So also in the younger ...
More Again increased PCB stress in organic eggs

PCB contamination in eggs of a organic laying hen farm in the district of Oldenburg06.05.2012 Once again, inspectors discovered eggs with a non-dioxin-like protein.
More dioxin eggs also in Bavaria

First Dioxin Fund in Bavaria: Health authorities discover contaminated eggs in trade20.04.2012Like the Bavarian State Office for Health and Living ...
More dioxin in eggs: scandal seems to be widening

How PCBs and dioxin get into food18.04.2012The dioxin scandal is spreading: After the dioxin finds in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony, ...
More dioxin eggs: soil is eliminated as a source

Soil excreted as a source of contaminated dioxin eggs18.04.2012The authorities are searching for the cause of the contaminated dioxin eggs ...
More circles withheld information about PCB eggs

Foodwatch: Circles have not forwarded information on PCB eggs17.04.2012The consumer organization Foodwatch raises serious allegations ...
More dioxin eggs also in Lower Saxony

Two farms in Lower Saxony closed due to increased dioxin levels13.04.2012Now in North Rhine-Westphalia, a large company and two small ...
More dioxin in organic eggs: causes still unknown

Dixion in Bioeier: Animal feed was not contaminated09.04.2012 Authorities are looking at the causes of dioxin contamination in organic eggs from ores ...
More Easter with dioxin eggs from the organic farm

Contaminated Dioxin Eggs from Duisburg Children's and Organic Farms 08.04.2012With official routine inspections, North Rhine-Westphalian authorities have ...
More dioxin eggs could have entered the market

Ministry: Contaminated eggs have apparently entered the market06.04.2012After the dioxin-egg finding, the North Rhine-Westphalian concern fears that ...
More High dioxin levels in feed

High dioxin levels found in sugar beet pulp10.11.2011Dioxin contamination in agricultural feed is high, according to authorities.
More 'data-url = "https://www.heilpraxisnet.de/naturheilpraxis/hohe-dioxin-werte-in-futtermitteln-4334339.php" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> dioxin scandal: 15 million in damages

Dioxin scandal: millions of claims for damages against „Harles & Jentzsch“ 24.06.2011In the dioxin scandal, the beginning of the year over the R ...
More dioxin contaminated feed appeared again

Authorities warn against dioxin-contaminated feed 01.04.2011Neen dioxin in feed. Dioxin-contaminated feed oil - a so-called supplement ...
More blood test on dioxin does not make sense

Federal Environment Agency: blood test for dioxin currently not useful28.01.2011 From a blood test for dioxin advises the Commission Human Biomonitoring (HBM) of Bun ...
More dioxin scandal: majority no longer has confidence

After dioxin scandal: majority of Germans have no confidence in food controls. A quarter of all consumers are increasingly turning to organic produce ...
More dioxin in pork no health hazard

Dioxin in pork no health hazard? According to the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, the current level of dioxin in pig carc ...
More dioxin pork in the supermarket

Dioxin pork probably landed in the supermarket12.11.2011First yesterday it became known that the dioxin scandal was not limited to eggs until ...
More dioxin eggs due to pesticides?

Dioxin eggs by pesticides? Dioxin levels were exceeded 164 times10.01.2011The real cause of the dioxin-related ...
More dioxin burden apparently known for months

Dioxin burden apparently known for months. Supplier concealed known exposure to dioxin07.01.2011The dioxin-contaminated fats have already been released a lot ...
More health risk from dioxin eggs

Consequences of a dioxin poisoning by contaminated eggs: From disturbances of the hormone household up to cancer 04.01.2011The term dioxin is used as a collective ...

(Photo 1: makaule / fotolia.com)